Can you see what would be going on with regard to your various reactions? Can you also USE that information - in the moment, when it counts - for "personal growth" and something higher (if you can imagine something higher)? Can you also see that over the course of the last several decades of your life, if not much more, it has ALL been about "taking sides" - about this, about that, about other things - an action which has guided, pushed, and sometimes even altered your more, let's call them, "intelligent responses", and that to believe you have grown, and perhaps even reached "something higher" is simply not correct, and part of the LIE that people everywhere tell themselves because they want to beLIEve it?
Consider how well "the guy with the blond comb-over"** is doing, both Nationwide, and in the early causus and voting states. Time after time he tells stories about this and that and other things, and huge numbers of people, either beLIEve him without question, or they absolutely do NOT, but in all cases, both groups are "taking offense" or "taking pleasure" in one or the other side... the two halves of the same coin that are always in a "state of being flipped", until caught, revealing the "side now being taken" that will estrange those humans from what is possible in that 5-inch gap between the ears.
For example, a LOT of people do NOT like Twitter - just look at its stock price for one clue - naming certain things like: too short a message length @140 characters; too loud, noisy and NEGATIVE; too difficult to carry on "long thoughts", or even "real conversations", etc., etc. BUT - another big but coming... - have they yet come to realize the glorious similarity, and near synchronicity of their own, internal (mental) "Teletype Stream" and the manner in which it presents "thoughts" to your prefrontal cortex, and the "Twitter Stream"? (Get an account, if you haven't already, and USE THE DARN THING for a couple months at least, and "Get Realized!")
"Observe, Listen, don't react, and
Learn, and possibly even Awaken"
That seems to be the Middle Way, Today.
Learn, and possibly even Awaken"
That seems to be the Middle Way, Today.
**And here's an "exciting thought" for both sides of my setup above:
What if "Mr. Comb-over" selects "Ms. Diva from Wasilla" as his running mate?
Exciting times we live in.
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