Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Climate change, and Being

Someone (something?) thought it would be a good idea to stir the pot a little - just to see what might happen - and then, a hundred thousand years, or so, later the "grand global experiment" seems to be failing. Well, that's what a larger and larger number of people think... well, when they actually DO think about it, because most people can't even do that! So, they consume greater and greater amounts of "stuff and nonsense" so as to dull their minds into a state that could only be described as "deeper (than usual) sleep." Of course, there are a few people who use these "troubling" times as a stimulant - not unlike certain street drugs of choice - to activate parts of their brain that may have been almost dormant for DECADES!

One thing to consider (for the moment, should one care to do that...): On this planet, it may be that technology is both a curse and a blessing, particularly since it is technology that has gotten us into the "climate change crisis" we are now facing, AND, it will be necessary for technology to get us out of this crisis. Perhaps, that is the way intelligent species everywhere in this part of the galaxy have to evolve over time. Quite late in the ordinary evolution of the higher ends of the brain, technology is invented; then it grows and expands to a wonderful extent - providing almost everyone with suitable access several decades or more of increased leisure time, better health, and more prosperity - and then, it is pushed over some critical level where it actually becomes dangerous for almost everyone, and then comes the tipping point. Either that intelligent species invents real and permanent solutions to the problems at hand, or they don't, and the human species goes the way of the beautiful Dodo bird - gradually, or worse, all at once. There is even a possibility many other species are destroyed as well (except for the cockroaches of course, they always endure!) Those intelligent species that make it through the interval period - whether it be decades or centuries or longer - can make it to the future. Those intelligent species that were not intelligent enough, don't make it, and the slate is wiped clean enough to allow Life another chance to try it again, though that will take many more tens - if not hundreds - of thousands of years. Unless it picks another "lower species" to experiment upon.

Discord and Disruption are the name of the game here, because without it, the genome stagnates, and the people start descending mentally, emotionally and even physically. During those times of great Discord and Disruption, there is extreme dissatisfaction in the masses because they are always the least able to profit/benefit/endure during those times. Technology, in general, is the most disruptive thing our species has yet invented, since it benefits the few of the few first, and only much later does it begin to benefit the masses to some small degree, and then later after only a few short decades or so, maybe a century or more, it begins to disrupt them greatly. Later still, even the few begin to feel it where it hurts, until SOMETHING is done to move beyond it. Of course, it will always be the few who can actually DO what needs to be done, because the masses are simply unable/incapable. Today, we are at a tipping point in this century, if not this decade. Things had better change soon, and or it will be too late! Those who are the youngest are always in the greatest peril - feeling the negative effects sooner than the rest - while the rich and privileged are always in the least peril, but even they will feel the pinch soon enough. Such is simply the way our species has become layered over time. The rich, powerful, privileged (one or two percent of the species), seem to "run the show," and below them, several layers of the "much less fortunate," all the way down to the totally "down and out" who are being run down day by day, week by week, with no end in sight,

So, what does this all have to do with Being? People are at a certain level of being in relation to those above them and below them (there is ALWAYS someone above you, and below you - no matter your present situation.) Species evolve and carry individual men, women and children, along with the flow. People evolve and carry thoughts, feelings, and capacities for action, along with the flow. Circumstances DO affect one's growth, but it is also possible to rise above them, though it always seems difficult. Our species must change or else it will perish, perhaps in this century! Our person-ness (me, myself, the one in the mirror) must change or else it will perish. Perhaps, people individually, and all over the globe, need to change THEIR OWN level of being first, so that the species as a whole will be positively affected by those changes. So, kids, what have you done today, this week, this month, to increase your own level of being? You might want to start asking the one you see in the mirror looking back at you, the next time you notice it.

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