Sunday, January 2, 2011

the sun also rises


December 21, 2012 - that's an always theoretical "When": A Super Cataclysmic Event in the eco-socio-financial markets, such that no one would want to play (there) anymore.

It wouldn't be the end of physical humanity, only his non-physical toys (those that live in his... head). Back to Nature once again, but in a "new Eden."

Consider it.

Future-tense-sensations vibrate in the now, like a strong shower in the morning washes yesterday completely away. Into the metaphorical layer as well.

Not only are the scales and dead skin of the body washed away but dead thoughts of 'yester - seconds, minutes, days, years', which provide thrust for the time/space machine growing behind your eyes.

You can Feel it.
The direct way

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