Thursday, January 20, 2011

Easy as shit

Ordinary human discourse, such as what occurs over the internet blogs, and radios, televisions, is what can be called, EASY AS SHIT, because everybody instantly agrees with all the definitions, though only regarding the physical level of existence, but at least that.

The human discourse always connects to the physical in some ways. Either they are talking about other people or other things, or their own self, or what they personally think or feel about them. See? Easy as shit. Anybody can do it.

Extra-ordinary, or Super-ordinary, or Higher Thought does occur but NOT/NEVER over the Internet, only within One mind, and possibly some others, though the frame of reference usually requires Art in some manner. Poetry, or Literature, sometimes including Painting, or Sculpture, sometimes Music.

Poetry of words make up Literature, and Painting of surfaces make up Sculpture, and Music gives it texture, dimension, resonance.

The Book of 500 years ago, was the literal Birth of a new species on this planet, only taking shape today in Smartphones and Bluetooth. We strap on the 'tech' to become a willing Cyborg - part human consciousness (mostly), and part robot (tiny).

Talking about Chinese economic practices or American political environments, or Tragedies in Tucson, or your physical ailments, is all subterfuge (an artifice or expedient used to evade a rule, escape a consequence, hide something), keeping the mini-man-mind fully occupied with stuff-and-nonsense, so as to free-up special circuits known only to a few. The iCircuits.


People are so eager and willing to talk about the duplicity, and hypocrisy of other people, but never their own stupidity (that makes them do that).

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