Animals don't have a future, only the eternal now. "Future" is an outgrowth of thought, spun out across time like a spider's silk thread.
That, is the Topic I am now crucifying.
Or, which came first, the Jesus or the crucifixion?
Humans can take any topic and literally Crucify it.
Political topics, Religious topics, Scientific topics, even Financial topics, and Crucify it. What, therefore, does "crucify" mean?
In one case, nailing the fleshlybody onto a CrossHairLocationMarker, and stabbing it in the side until it bleeds out.
In the other verbal thought-based case, ...
People can be stupid at their jobs, certainly not Expert, and still survive. Musicians at heart can be paper salesmen even if they couldn't sell ice to an eskimo.
You can be a "bullshit artist" in the Education area, or the Sales area, but not in Real Artistry - playing musical instruments, playing stock markets. Try to quantify both types. That effort reveals that ALL human endeavors (that require other people) can be executed, however poorly, by BullShit "artists".
Only Real Art can never be bullshitted - even by fakers, frauds, plagiarists.
It is not that radio and television and phones are the Cause of man's present-day delusions (though they certainly ARE once you can realize it simultaneously - thereby keeping two opposing thoughts in your consciousness at the same time, holding it "out there" like a PinealGland in carnation).
Radio, TV, Phones are the Anomaly - there should not be such devices on this planet. They certainly don't exist at 'lower levels' of animal life, though species communication seems both obvious and strongly typed. It is the Strong Nuclear Force operating though the species.
The 4 forces.
Gravitational Force Gravitas
Electromagnetic Force Photon light, en-light-ened
Weak Nuclear Force Weak Gauge Bosons ordinary consciousness
Strong Nuclear Force Gluon Higher Thought
Civilization - that within which YOU LIVE with everyone else still alive - is Language. You must keep these two realms separate within you, lest they try and succeed at hooking up, the way a male plug does a female socket.
This is the Primal Law which enables all matter and life to exist.
Where are you in this reality? You do not exist in this reality, BUT because of Language you 'think' otherwise.
The two opposing concepts have merged into one overriding weak electrical force of 'personality'. Cracking the atom, is tantamount to Crucifying the Adam, that is, our prototypical human being fully ascended. Real I. Really.
Ordinary humans (ordinary consciousness ) is fully engaged in running a scam, a con, on Life. Trying to see how much they can 'get away with' before they die. Of course they usually don't put it that way, but how could it be otherwise.
Ordinary humans are not dwelling on mountaintops in caves, or meditating under bodhi trees, or walking on water - they are in the civilized world (or trying very hard to get there from where they now are), with a ticking clock POUNDING in their heads, keeping a certain cadence and setting the rhythm of all they do and say.
The 'saying' part comes late in the story, though early in the lifespan. (You see, by the age of 7-14 or so, the mind starts to decay and loses the effectiveness it had before, and it becomes all downhill from there - crippled almost at the 'get-go'.
The Glorious Anomaly is when the Oxymoronical Paradox is Solved.
Time and space travel is possible only in the Mind, BUT the Long Con humanity is playing on Life itself, finds a way to Actualize Reality.
Otherwise, "reality" doesn't exist, and all is mindstuff in potential.
The Cosmos is in Potential until the Anomaly Occurs - that is, takes on the formality of actually existing, In time, In space.
It is like coming out of invisibility to Enlighten the Universe.
It is what Light does at its own speed, defining the edges, and colorizing the planes and surfaces, and filling (materializing) the coordinates.
No matter what your 'life' seems like to you, it is no more than Stuff you Own/Rent and are forced to take care of by someone who feels this way and that way about that Fact of Existence you can't deny once you actually HAVE THE THOUGHT on your own, not by hearing/reading it.
Yes you have just read/heard it - blame me for that - but do know this, whatever Thoughts arise in you now and forever, they stim from that Little Big Bang.
(You are nothing and you don't exist, until - here comes the paradox, the oxymoron, the anomaly - you DO, in reality.)
--Paradox: A statement that may need to be solved and is generally composed of contradictory words or phrases. e.g. "I don't play solitaire because every time I win, I beat myself!" "This sentence is false." "Grand-father paradox prevents going back in time." (If I back-up far enough to see where thought emerges, I won't have (there won't be) the thought that I backed-up for.)
--Oxymoron: Words or phrases that are accepted, but are complete opposites of each other. e.g. "Jumbo shrimp", "The silence was deafening." "Talking outloud with other humans is possible."
--Anomaly: A shocking event that has happened, which defies knowledge, logic, or science and may never happen again. "Conversation is an outgrowth of Civilization which is an outgrowth of Talking."
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