Saturday, January 8, 2005

Baby talk

Some people say they believe that "eventually we find out that we were born fully perfected and that was our clue, to try and return to that condition when we were first born."

This is incorrect from the get-go.

Sorry if that pops any balloons.

Many people think it, and it has been bandied about for centuries, but "going back to the source" is devolution, not evolution. Returning to the more simplistic childhood of mankind is not the direction a sane, thinking man would choose, if he understood that the true direction is toward a more complex existence, and especially a more complex intelligence.

Man is more complex in all things today than 500 years ago, and that is right order. Mankind is not naturally reverting to the jungle, and nobody in their right mind would choose that.

People were born fully perfected sheep in a herd of similar sheep - capable of staggeringly complex machines and medicine and other things - but to stay a sheep when more is possible is stagnation - which is all ordinary humanity can expect, and therefore most find some kind of bogus religion or teaching to support this idiotic viewpoint. It's tantamount to, rationalized justification (in their own minds) of ***giving-up*** - or, dying before your time.

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