Saturday, November 6, 2004

...row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream...

...merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream...

Ever heard this one: "We are all the same, really; we are all in the same boat together..." and when you hear/heard that, what does/did your consciousness do? Do you remember, can you observe yourself to the degree that you can hear yourself reacting even now?

In the first place, the song is a lie - inside and out; you are not in a boat, you are not rowing a boat, and the only dream is merrily - somnambulistically - believing you are. There are no boats, there are no rowers...

...there are only songs, and sleepers singing them...

Of course, if you are following along - for the ride, so to speak - merrily singing the same refrain - then you probably believe mystics ride in the same boats as followers; if so, then you don't understand a thing about boat construction, water and wave dynamics, surface tensions, topologies, planetary gravity, and special and general relativity. (That is, mystics don't ride in no damn boats - they fly, or more preferredly, dematerialize/rematerialize at will.)

Can you get even a finger-hold and then a toe-hold, and then some stability on this rope-ladder to the stars? If so, send down some star-food if you don't mind.

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