Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Conscious man is one who can mind his own business.

Consider, all the rest of the human beings living or dead - not counting that tiny part responsible for reading or writing these words on this electronic paper - (you reading, me writing) exists at the pinnacle of "minding it's own business." They follow the rule: out of sight, out of mind.

Until you can get your consciousness to not care one iota for any other consciousness but itself - neither living nor dead - you are totally asleep, in that that other human has invaded and captured your mind, entirely filling up that space/time wherein you "care your iotas", even if only in an infinitesimally small location in the conscious part of your brain - when that part is active, that's YOUR present consciousness.

If you (consciousness) are considering anything but consciousness, you are asleep. That is a fact in the Real World, and I don't mean MTV.

ps- now... watch how certain humans immediately invade your consciousness and start >>talking to you<< (G. says, 'man is a sleeping machine, of 3-4 centers, of chief feature and body type, etc. SO, blah, blah, blah.)

pps- or... maybe it (consciousness in you) starts arguing with the definitions of certain words and phrases as perceived by it's recent foray into yahoo email list reading, and starts composing a clever and intelligent retort... chortle, chortle.

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