Sunday, November 7, 2004

Higher and finer

The essential realization that the universe can make - at present (without us... er... me I guess) - is that energy is "what I am, that am what I am."

But then came life, on earth apparently - as far a human can know - and, well, you KNOW what happened after that, right? (I'll wait whilst you go look it up...)

Transformation of energy, conservation of energy. That's the name of the game, and the only essential realization that the universe can make, until Life provides "an update."

For about the last 5000 years of updates, do you seriously believe that the whole story has been told?

(Note: all religions say they know/speak the whole story including the final act, presumably from some "fat lady.")

Tick, tock, and someone *still* believes the whole story has been told!

Anyway, back to the story. Energies transforming in a human dreamed up the story it's telling to itself - coming out >>your<< mouth, and everybody >>else's<< mouth (that, friends and neighbors, is the environment in mind, the second reality - as distinct from the material environment I'm writing this upon and you're reading this upon, the first reality).

Remember now, you have two hemispheres in your head, a right and left, an east and west, an old and new, and the energy conversion occurs between them - in the corpus, callosum.

Both sides fail to realize the significance and importance of the corpus callosum: The arched bridge of nervous tissue that connects the two cerebral hemispheres, allowing communication between the right and left sides of the brain.

Typing and Reading occurs in one or another hemisphere.

The two branes (M-theory is a good place to interject some spare mental energy right about now) are in a stable state of continual-approximation and occasional-contact at multiple-points.

Knowing this, in it's entirety, having made it up, IT continues: the intentional transformation of energy cracks the molecules releasing raw nuclear/neural energy crossing the great divide. The communication between the spheres is conducted through the contact of higher hydrogens, finer substances, which can see through walls, BE through walls.

The essential realization that the universe can make - at present (without us... er... me I guess) - is that energy is "what I am, that am what I am."

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