Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Books of the "gods" and their minions

Why would anybody want to "sit around" (or stand, walk, lay) and contemplate their navel, or the sorry state of the world, or the condition of humanity's Being and Mentation, when they could go out and get a job and work for the man, or take up a hobby and spend all their free time tending their tomato and cucumber garden, or their banzai tree forest, or their guitar riffs and solos, or start slapping a lot of paint on canvases and calling 'em "my pretty pictures", or countless other pursuits and hobbies?

After all, when dutifully engaged in these other pursuits, at least the mind is occupied, and they don't HAVE TO think about the deeper issues surrounding their own life, or the life of human beings - you know, life, death, salvation, heaven, hell, paradise, enlightenment, things like that. Well, guess what. THAT is precisely why men's brains (and their resulting/emergent "minds") have been designed as they have by Great Nature. NOT - by any stretch of the imagination - to expand their Beings, their Minds, their Intellectual and Emotional capacities, so as to expand themselves and conquer other worlds, BUT, to settle for becoming lowly worker bees or beavers, tasked with gathering food, populating families, becoming consumed by an ever larger variety of entertainments and mind-numbing pursuits (reading Fakebook and Twitter all day), maintaining domiciles, and then filling them with millions of assorted kinds of JUNK that needs to be fixed and/or replaced all the time, all to occupy their lowly brains even more than they already are. Nowadays, it is virtually impossible for the masses - the great 95% or so of humanity - to pursue the so-called Higher Ideals of our species, so involved have they become with just getting by from day to day, finding food, paying bills, and playing house with their temporary families.

But honestly, it's NOT that we are not up to the task - far from it. We are so advanced today, that in only 75 years, we have invented A- and H-bombs, nuclear power stations, quantum super-computers, space travel machines, and computers that fit in the palm of your hand that are more powerful than the ones that put men on the moon, and the list is endless. Seventy Five years, out of 150,000! What if men got started a lot earlier, say around 2000 years ago... what then? But NoooOOOOooo, we had to deal with religions and their overall negative influence over humanity for the next two millennia, and we're still trying to dig our collective way out of that mess.

Actually, the problem is not "religions" per se, but the belief in a higher power that is OUTSIDE our system - either in some unreachable "heaven" in the sky, or some absolutely inaccessible "mountain top retreat", or worse, buried miles below the surface of the planet in a "primordial cavern". These "gods", or for some simply "GOD ALMIGHTY" pushes and pulls at the mental and emotional puppet-wires in such a way that natural Free Will is absent. These hapless humans are operating from Dogma and Doctrine contained in Books they did NOT write, did NOT intentionally accept as true, but were in fact INJECTED into them - one line and story and parable at a time - and they all quickly became almost permanently addicted, like any junkie who was given their first BIG HIT by their friendly parent/supplier - usually the mother, and sometimes the father, or both - in order to create a steady CUSTOMER who is now HOOKED.... namely, the dutiful child who now believes and behaves as the parents believe and behave.  Like, reading and reciting and proselytizing the BOOK regularly, to whomever will tolerate listening to them.... while becoming further hooked on all the various "holy" trinkets of the religion - crosses, beads, charms, symbols, etc.  Sheesh! What a racket!

All these are MEMES, particularly in this sense: elements of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non-genetic means, especially imitation. Now that the CUSTOMER of the given religion - whichever one it happens to be, totally hooked on that religion - is operating on schedule and just like every one of the larger group, he becomes an intrinsic part of the sleeping masses that have not only LOST any semblance of FREE WILL but the ability to get UNHOOKED. They have become, virtually DOOMED.

THIS has been going on, non-stop, for the last 2000 years (but even for several thousand years before that!), and has crippled our species to the point that the Planet is now on a descending spiral down the drain. This is important to REALIZE and not argue against. 
It is necessary for one and all to GET FREE, or DIE.

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