And the cause of pain, up and down.
It's the damn genes revolting against the host. Physical pain is the result of genes revolting against the body; mental pain is the result of memes revolting against the brain. Thus disease, in general, happens because some group of genes deprogram the corresponding carnal sector they are responsible for maintaining, or the sector they were responsible for creating.
The most common mistake that we humans make is to think in terms of "big", whenever we are trying to understand the rational. Thus, we are severely biased when we simply classify humans to be the most rational and intelligent of "objects", where "objects" here, means any item picked from our reality framework.
The catch with all this, is that as one goes down on the size scale, most of us think that we are dealing with unintelligent and inert classes of "objects" that sometimes have - as is said in official science - a certain "function", but are otherwise quite unresponsive in terms of operational consciousness. But, as one goes down the hierarchy of life's structure, the "objects" one deals with, get more and more intelligent.
As you go down to cells, the entire mechanism of the cell, is one huge intelligent factory. The entire cell IS intelligent, and its consciousness is a bit lower than the consciousness of the next "elementary" unit that comprises it. Think of it as an "attempt" for organization. The constituents of the cell, are MORE intelligent than the cell itself. Thus, mitochondria, golgi bodies (the cell's post office: modifying, sorting and packaging of proteins for secretion, also involved in the transport of lipids around the cell, and the creation of lysosomes), the nucleus, etc, actually are hegemonial sub-entities, held in place by the power of the cell's organization. The cell has more power, but the constituents have more intelligence.
Here's a similar analogy: The Earth is MUCH more powerful than a human as an entity (just imagine what a small earthquake does) but stupider than us. We could, in principle, blow the entire planet up, if we detonated 16k, 50 megaton bombs, and Earth would not be able to do shit. Now, imagine this analogy, down to the scale of humans and genes. Our genes could easily revolt, kill the host, and we would not be able to do shit about it either. Can you see it?
The scheme function, surprisingly, is thus a double graph, with intelligence descending and power ascending. At the middle point, Homo Sapiens, the "perfect balance" of all. Here it is: intelligence on the left (I), dropping down, power rising up (P). At the junction point, MAN .
Ahhh! the "cross". Wonder why this symbol is so powerful? Perhaps the fact that genes have a similar shape is coincidental... hmmm, does the world even want to know? The photons thus, ARE the most intelligent of species. No wonder the Bible and other religions insist that God is Light. But which God? The upper dormitory one, or the lower one? Obviously the lower.
Arguably thus, you can understand easily our predicament now. Our entire lives are ruled by genes and memes. And the most horrible thing (perhaps wonderful for some) is that those entities WANT to keep on living.
The problem of infinite sustenance was solved with the process of procreation. The genes split, and combine with new ones, producing a long series of subsequent species, and perhaps, in that DNA, the memories and experiences of the previous hosts are retained. This information is of no practical use to the host, so the host usually cannot retrieve it. But surprise, surprise... the genes know EVERYTHING about this information.
To make a long story short: If your genes manage to transfer themselves into an offspring, they are internally assured, through a medium of information transfer, the host - you: your genes and your memes - that they were successful. In other words, mission accomplished. If however, they get the idea that you are not going to procreate, they will kill you, or will maim you severely, or will revolt against you and give you all kinds of problems. From this view, then, anybody who's into abstinence is in for a LOT of trouble. The last step before one finally purges the desires and wills in this world, is to shut down the sexual instinct mechanism. If your genes detect that, diseases, malformation, insanity, physical pain, mental pain, cardiac problems, and general depression, misery and degradation start to show their ugly head.
Your genes are trying to give you a CLUE. Here's one: Have LOTS of children, or those genes will really attack you so fiercely, that you will, in the end, desire to be shot, rather than stand this pain caused by revolting genes.
It is really an incredible mechanism - the entire idea/concept of this hierarchy, and the hierarchy of entities in the human body as well. The problem with some, when they begin to know too much, is that some part then wants to stop the propagation. Reason unknown. This part could be a meme infection, that has proved to be stronger than the natural desire of the genes to procreate. As one goes forward, they begin seeing their genes wanting more and more painkillers to leave them alone. Perhaps, this is the general "drug-addict condition". Their genes are really fighting those poor guys, and bringing an addict back to life's train tracks is one hard job. Imagine trying to convince a sick person that he ought to procreate or else.
Probably, genes are not that stupid though. You can't "trick" them into thinking that you are procreating, while you go and masturbate in the bathroom. You know, it's funny, they can see the whole thing through your eyes. They MADE your eyes, for god's sake. And one assumes that the maker of a thing, knows how to use the thing.
So let us now give those genes a name: God. This is the next natural step. So, don't fight God, because it will kill you. THIS God is the one we should be worshiping. Or should we? Should we maybe worship the big, fat, bearded, powerful and stupid God, the Universe? Yes you should. Because this last God has allowed you to consume His body in order to sustain yourself. Why can't you reach him? Because He is far away. He HAS to be far away, to not sense the pain from you consuming his body... just as your genes are very far away while they slowly, and ever so surely kill you one day at a time... increasing your pain as they go.
The dumb-God has provided the basis. But you are a creation of the gene-God, which is a creation of the Light God, the photons. And thus, you can see where the Trilogy/Trinity got its name:
Don't fight either your Father, or your Spirit. They can kill you easily and with lots of pain. You are all three, and you are going to live forever, because you carry with you the Son, who dies on the Xcross every time and gets resurrected with every new gene procreation.Father: Who created your genes?
Holy Spirit: Who created your memes?
Son: Who do you EAT for sustenance?
Of course, the actual composition of the Trinity is much more complex: All three reside in you simultaneously. If you kill someone, anyone, or anything, you are getting his/hers/its part of the Trinity. So if you are a regular duck hunter and eater, you are consuming duck genes, and they eventually get coded into your system.
So, the last natural question rears its ugly head: We are what we eat? (No... What you eat... becomes YOU.) Okay then, what SHOULD we then eat? Well, this is the eternal sacrifice: The lower kingdoms' Gods, the animal/plant Gods, have sacrificed themselves for the sake of Homo Sapiens. Respect and love animals, because they have done such a tremendous favor to all of us. I just want to give my two kitties two HUGE hugs.
It hurts, even when you cut off a leaf from a citrus tree. But the Big Dumb God is so far away, so it does not even sense the pain. The cycle is a ring, with a diamond on top of it. The diamond is Homo Sapiens. You start there, you end there, after thousands of years. But through genes and memes, Not through some other silly reincarnation method. This IS reincarnation: The transfer of genes.
I am my father, and my father's father, and my father's father's father, and... and... and...
(There is an embedded "easter egg" within for those who care to inquire further.)
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