Thursday, July 21, 2016

Sheeple, Hummers, People - Static Triad

After many years of observing our "human world" - me, in IT; and IT, in me - I have concluded, tentatively, that there are at least THREE DISTINCT levels of what are called, Homo Sapiens, (human beings) having to do, not so much with genetics, but regarding basic, day-to-day, walking-around levels of consciousness.

Thousands of observations, and hundreds of experiments were made and gathered within my own extended family (parents, siblings, and surrounding genetic similitudes); various cliques and social groups (with whom I spent a couple "interesting/depressing" decades); a few so-called (by themselves alone) "Conscious Groups/Schools" (that were mostly unsatisfying to say the least); and ONE "Group of Friends" (only one) which made no such claims about themselves, but turned out to be the "Best of the Bunch".  Thinking and writing about all of this for a couple decades, has indicated to me that there are these THREE DISTINCT levels, and I have been using them for quite some time, and will be sticking to them until conditions or observations require a change... to wit:  
Sheeple, Hummers, and People 
And it is a Static Triad
Sheeple and Hummers don't know about or recognize People, while People do know about and do recognize those below them. Yes, this is a value judgment, but what is Life without a little Judgment?
The percentages of Sheeple, Hummers, and People are changing almost week by week, if not month by month, but that distinction depends upon one's "Powers of Observation and Non-Attachment". 
Sheeple are "dead asleep" and don't know it, acting and appearing more like the walking dead, than simply sleep-walkers who can be found making sandwiches at 3am without realizing it, or even driving cars to bars without accident, also without realizing it. Both versions are the great unwashed and unlearned masses that eat, fuck, shit, watch TV, go to one or more day/night job(s), complain about their lives and everything else, while saying "the world OWES me a living!", and repeat until death, without having even the faintest idea that there is MUCH more to life than satisfying their instinctive desires.  
Percentage 65%, give or take.

Hummers are those who are caught between "dead asleep" and "half awake", but have awoken SOMEWHAT (somehow, some way) to their dismal plight-on-earth just enough to KNOW that other life forms (family, friends, enemies, strangers and everyone else) are NOT ALWAYS the cause of their misery and stupidity, but NOT ENOUGH to know what to DO about it. So, they spend their lives talking out their asses about things they really know nothing about, as if they do.  
Percentage 30%, give or take.

People are those who have awoken sufficiently to realize there are actually "Ways and Means" to raise their level of being above that of the dim-witted tools and fools with whom they share this planet, but NOT ENOUGH to have fully actualized that new, desired state of "Conscious Mind", and "Realized Being".  
Percentage, 3%, give or take.

PeopleREAL are those few remaining 2% or so, whom we don't know (most likely), have never met personally (most likely), and don't have their private cellphones numbers or home addresses, but if presented with an "opportunity" to visit one, having discovered a flyer on a telephone pole for instance, or a pop-up message on a weird or strange or even mainstream Webpage, would RECOGNIZE the clues and signs (which would most definitely be there), and most importantly the "inner signals (voices perhaps, visions perhaps) screaming
 "Do It!"


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