Wednesday, July 6, 2016

"Humming past the graveyard"

The Hummers on this planet (no longer referring to them as Peeps - for that would imply something I no longer believe) continue to MISS the most important thing about "knowing", "understanding", "intelligence", "evolution", "consciousness", "awakening", "sleep", etc., and that is NOT only because they don't really understand each of those words - having only a rudimentary, dictionary-based, partially-conceptual view about each of them (and practically all other non-tangibles out there) - but because all that enters them from their senses, particularly the eyes and ears, is almost immediately VOMITED out onto their idiotic Facebook and/or Twitter streams (hoping to what... impress their pseudo friends?) before proper digestion, absorption, transformation and further refinement can occur. Yes Fred & Mary, where do you think "food for thought" came from?

ONLY after such has properly proceeded, fully, can one achieve that degree of Knowing, Understanding, Intelligence, Evolution, etc., they believe they achieve now, today, as they are. This is a false belief, based upon no real evidence, just faith. "Hey Bob, I read a few paragraphs of that webpage, and watched a few minutes of that video, so I Know what's up, I Understand all of it, I'm Intelligent enough, and therefore I am probably/properly Evolving!" Really Fred? Really Mary?

All one has to do is spend 20 minutes (or less, which is usually quite enough - phew!) scrolling DOWN their Facebook and/or Twitter stream - usually consisting of mind-dumps from your friends, pseudo-friends, strangers and their re-shares, re-tweets, and re-plys, with a scant few actual "thought pieces" from their OWN Brain (having done some ACTUAL Work in there) - to realize that the Hummers are just doing what Hummers do (humming past the graveyard to keep their "smiley faces" intact).

This behavior of those who comprise our world of Humanity - such as it is - is simply LAZINESS in the extreme. They are, generally, not stupid, disabled, broken, dimwitted, damaged - though some certainly are, that's obvious - they are just LAZY, plain and simple. And this laziness has not suddenly come upon them like a cold or flu from out of nowhere, but has developed over decades of misuse and underuse, leaving their brain's capacity for Real Thinking & Consideration reduced to blather, and more blather, about nothing that PEOPLE ("my Peeps") care anything about... and the hummers don't care, even if it's pointed out them. If it is, they will instantly explain it all away... as if to say, "Hey Bob, what I'm doing... that's a Good Thing... you just don't get it!" Really Fred? Really Mary?

Any advice, here, would be unnecessary, because what can be said beyond, "More Effort! More Effort!" which only a stupid hummer would fail to realize anyway. Those who ASPIRE to something more, than what the hummers want - sex, drugs, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, money, fame, popularity, and all the other such intellectual, emotional and spiritual depressants - know what to do, and they are DOING IT NOW.
They are Our Peeps and worthy of help
 from wherever it may arise.

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