Life needs all that "brain power", operating synchronously and harmoniously producing a massively parallel processing machine of, currently, many billions of nodes (players, humans), and doesn't care a whit about the thoughts that may or may not be flowing through it for the entire duration of that co-option, since Life is utilizing the "deep brain" rather than the "superficial brain". That is, since Life IS those billions of human brains (co-opted for its own use), it can utilize all that "brain power", even as there are superficial thoughts occurring throughout, such that the individual humans don't even know it's happening... just as the home user of the "zombie machine" doesn't even know their PC is being used by the hacker (that is, the user can still run his word processor, email program, and browser, even as its "deep brain" computer power is being heavily utilized by the hacker.) Observe yourself - if you can - and you will discover that the brain is operating on multiple levels simultaneously, even while you are unable to perceive any specific thoughts or feelings occurring therein. The issue is your ability to PERCEIVE at those deeper levels, not that there is no "deep brain" activity going on.
The same thing is going on within the entire human species, totally unbeknownst to those billions of hapless and quite oblivious humans, walking around and carrying on their day-to-day activities out in the world, including when they're all wired up to their TV, radio, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. But, there is an upside - there always is, though it's harder to perceive than the downside - and it is this: Life is not suicidal, is not hostile, is not stupid, is not criminal, is not cruel, is not even warlike, and Life is operating at a level above that of Humanity, and the entire Organic Life on Earth, which means it KNOWS what humans can never know, and is working on AIMS and GOALS that humans can never understand... well, until they are able to raise their level of being able to THINK and FEEL and SENSE without personal bias or preference, and at a speed and depth of perception/conception that is really unknown on this planet at present (not an easy thing to do by any means, but possible nevertheless... just ask those who CAN).
Two final points: 1) you can't refute any of this, certainly not with so-called "scientific facts", and 2) if this is true and correct - to the degree you can even comprehend it - it explains virtually ALL the so-called "extra sensory perceptions/experiences" some humans believe occur.
Think about it.
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