Monday, May 2, 2016

The Human Fallacy

It is interesting to note - when you can be at least honest with yourself - that humans (including you reading this right now) are nothing BUT activated neurons, billions of them at a time, all over your brain, that are operating ON THEIR OWN without any help or hindrance from "you". In fact, the only "you" that there is or can be, are those same activated neurons that you have "grown up with" since the time of your birth, or a few shorts months prior to that glorious moment in "YOUR" time line.

That is, there is NOTHING HAPPENING HERE! Just electrical activity between the ears and behind the eyes of many billions of similar humans, that coalesce in a certain, quite unknown way, to form what "you" call, ME, MYSELF, and I, with a hotlist of "likes", "dislikes", "preferences", "fears", and countless other possible responses to stimuli, with an extreme amount of imperceptible overlap. There is no Permanent Real I, but just a randomly created and accidentally modified group of sub-personalities that appear due to changing internal and external conditions - one for job interviews, one for shopping for groceries, one for dining with family, etc. All these responses are also coalesced into what psychologists might call, "personality" - or in some extreme cases, "personalities" - that "seem" consistent, due to their frequency of appearance and one's persistence of memory, because the stimuli is often the same, day after day after day. This belief in all humans that they are One, Real, Permanent, and Unchanging, is THE Human Fallacy.

When the stimuli changes - DRAMATICALLY - different aspects of one's personality sometimes appear, that are so shocking to oneself and those few that know you, that they are often regarded as anomalies. But they are not anomalies. They are simply infrequent.
~~~~~~and now for something completely different~~~~~~
Donald Trump is going to BEAT the crap out of Hillary Clinton (or vice versa), and your world (of changing i's, and accidentally-arising sub-personalities) is going to change for the WORSE or BETTER or NOT AT ALL! That is because the Trump lovers are going to react, and the Clinton lovers are going to react, and there will be strong reactions all over the globe, and THAT accumulation of human neural reactions to stimuli is going to CHANGE OUR WORLD, one way or the other.  
Hurricanes from Butterflies.
Get Ready folks. Get Ready.

Post-it note: We need to find a place where the opposite forces meet and cancel themselves out, like in the eye of a storm. In a hurricane the center is said to be the safest spot. We need to find the True Center of the Merger, amidst the forces at work all around us.

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