The OUT THERE - where 99% of people on earth live - is about to scare the SHIT out of them, and upset the world order, and bring us closer to worldwide economic collapse, if not WW3 - or so the liars, forecasters, and fear mongers would like everyone to believe. Just remember this, the 99% can still be wrong as shit - which is usually the case in these kinds of times - while the 1%, who already understand their body is temporary, transitory, and a thing of the past, while the mind - even while still in its adolescence - can rise above the body, and survive whatever happens, without being brought down to the level of the roaches and other creatures that can survive just about anything including the Sixth Extinction.
Cheer up America, Europe, Australia, and what few truly civilized countries there are in the OUT THERE, and try to "GET" what is being suggested here: One must achieve a certain kind of separation from mental and emotional suffering, rather than blindly, if not willingly following the herds who can't do that, because once you have become one of the herd, you are lost, and every day one is LOST, one is ten steps farther away from Real Escape than the day before.
There is no OUT THERE,
except for those OUT THERE,
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