Thursday, March 31, 2016

Examples are EVERYWHERE

You could hear a HUGE sigh of relief, as the Republican front-runner not only slipped and fell, but couldn't get up even after a couple tries. Ever since last evening, every news outlet (online, cable, radio, etc.) has been even more active than usual - if you can believe that - all of them reporting THE WRONG INFO and in the wrong order (just as they all did the day before, and the day before that, etc.), making absolute fools of themselves without any hint of shame, in order to "drive home their real point": "If you can't live with the guy, and you can't kill the guy, then pollute the eyes, ears and minds of as many people (sheeple) as possible."

The Noise makers are certainly having their day, again, which will extend through the weekend and probably into the next week or more (or until the NEXT predictable trip and fall onto the floor - *splat!*), squeezing as much energy out of the SAME STORY LINES as they can... just like dogs returning to their vomit. Yes indeedy, there's a few people (more than a few... MANY) that actually GET OFF on such thrice-eaten meals, and like "man's best friends" do, they return to their word-vomit more than once, twice, twenty-three times or MORE... to sniff and taste, sniff and taste, just to see if there's something there "worth" sucking the juice out of once again, so they can lick it lovingly back off the floor to repeat the process once more... and grin that favorite Grin of theirs... "yummm, tasty!" (Yeah right.)

This, you see, is the actual way the human brain operates. It only needs a very small bit of an idea, or a thought, and it can run it UP and DOWN that flagpole many, many times (while being stared at by the "inner eyes") to see if there is something worth considering again, for another tasty treat. It's all about squeezing the last bit of energy out of the vomitus, THUS keeping the brain operating (in everyone) 24-7-365 without even a silence break. And... guess what... NOBODY even gives this uncreative, boring, and quite ridiculous mind activity a second notice (until they are trying go to sleep at night, and can't stop thinking about the same things over and over and over! "STOP IT ALREADY!") but then, by morning time, they have forgotten all about this! In fact, they (the sheeple) "Eat It All Up!" again and again and again for the rest of their short lives.

They watch it, they talk about it, they think about it, they tweet about it, they take sides, they get into fist fights, they think about killing things, etc., etc. But they NEVER even begin to realize what is actually happening to and through them. Somebody somewhere once invented "meditation" as sort of a temporary, very short-term "solution" to the extremely over-active brain, but unfortunately for damn near everyone, even THAT wears off pretty quickly (like "new car smell"). More than 90% of people who start meditating, give up on it very quickly. (Prove me wrong!) But the brain keeps on chugging along, going faster and faster with every new smart phone, website, social media venue, chat room, and you-name-it!

Clue to what's going on: hydrogen 24 (created simply by eating, breathing, moving around, and receiving external and internal impressions - all the mostly mechanical functions of being a human) is being circulated around the brain in sufficient quantities to enable ordinary "thinking and feeling", so that a little bit of THAT interaction can be (under the right circumstances) pushed UP to hydrogen 12, and in a very few People, up to hydrogen 6 and higher... which is a quite rare phenomenon that CAN'T be adequately described to sheeple (nor even most "budding People") because they don't possess the first three-legged requirement: self-observation, non-identification, separation-from-suffering, the teetering stool of potential all humans are blessed with possessing AT BIRTH, though nobody knows that, or can even verify that, UNTIL the store of creation of hydrogen 6 reaches a certain level... but that's another STORY LINE nobody can chew on, until they CAN.

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