Sunday, October 8, 2017

Clear Thinking, a near-term "final frontier"

No one thinks their OWN thinking is faulty, but everyone thinks others' thinking is faulty, and will, usually, be glad to point it out, sometimes without even being asked. That is what people are doing in the Facebook, Twitter, Youtube (non-material) world, and elsewhere, in the Day-to-Day, Face-to-Face (material) world - without realizing it, of course. THAT IS... they are observing (looking at, and listening to) their own, and other people's thought processes - up close and personal - ostensibly, to make some sense of it all, and also, to make (internally, but not expressed, as well as externally expressed) comments about it, as if that is a suitable way to hold up one's end of the conversation... yeah right!

This is particularly true on all the so-called "consciousness raising" venues, especially those with a slightly, or even greater emphasis on spiritual, religious, esoteric thoughts and ideas. People are generally NOT THERE to find out how to throw better clay pots, or build faster racing engines, or paint prettier pictures - hey, there are tens of thousands of places one can go to learn all about those things. No, they are there to discover something useful about THINKING - particularly, their own thinking.

Obviously, the first thing one will discover - if one is reasonably adept at observing themselves in real time without theorizing (commenting, criticizing, condemning, complaining, etc.) - is that they only believe, only imagine, they are in complete and total  control over their thinking processes. Frequently, relatively well-constructed thoughts can be created and spoken, and sometimes even written, without one's knowing in advance what was going to come out. It often seems as though thoughts think themselves, while using your brain, mouth, hands (gestures, pens, keyboards) to communicate them in some way. It seems as though, thoughts MUST BE EXPRESSED, and from a very young age, which is getting younger and younger as the technology becomes even more pervasive, and the means to communicate becomes easier. Just look at the proliferation of smart phones, worldwide, in the hands of the very young, from preteens on up!

Clearly, there is "something afoot!" and it is increasing every day. Humans have been talking to some small degree for a little over a hundred thousand years or so, increasing somewhat during the last couple thousand years, but in the last several hundred years - from about the beginning of the 18th century, and the increase in literacy - the amount of talk between people has obviously increased, and in the last few short decades, with the invention, growth and expansion of the Internet, primarily, it has increased exponentially.

The graph of all this looks like a classic hockey stick, and (curiously) mimics the apparent rise in Temperature and CO2 in the atmosphere, especially in the northern hemisphere... which, also curiously, is where microchips, computers, the Internet, and geostationary satellites were invented, and deployed successfully around the Earth, and matured into the worldwide behemoth it has become today, enabling manned and unmanned space travel throughout our solar system!
Who knows (for sure), that as Temperature and CO2 rise... the capacity for more and more complex thought also increases in human brains, so, the "something afoot" could be seen as "A Very, Very Good Thing," eventually enabling humans to SOLVE, and successfully IMPLEMENT, the overwhelming environmental and exploding population issues, and to fulfill the ambition the species has for space travel, including beyond this solar system, and not only to do serious scientific explorations, but also to re-locate entire populations off-planet, should that become absolutely necessary.

Who knows?
Or, to put that another way...
Who can even THINK clearly about it?
And... how many BRAINS will be required
to achieve all of that... in time!?! 

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