Not insane, but super-sane, hyper-sane even, because I know The Effort is The Reward, NOT additional seat-fillers with nothing to talk about but themselves and their personal, subjective views on every topic BUT the ones we discuss.
We are not looking for people with good memories, who can quote - ad nauseum or ad infinitum, or (egad!) both - passage after passage from their favorite books, transcripts, and news reports from out there (i.e., they didn't write the stuff, they are just... repeating it.) Hey, we've already read all the books and news stories out there, and don't need to be reminded what's in them.
We are looking for people who are less interested in being entertained, than they are in Being Entertaining. That is, Charlie or Charlene, we are not interested in fish with good taste
(even those with proper quotation skills), but those who Taste Good (amuse and entertain on a variety of super/hyper non-serious topics... you know, "those kinds***")
***wherein one can achieve those states of extreme lucidity in which consciousness expands and time itself is perceptible as another dimension, or, as another friend composed: we want our brains to fire up into extreme fluency on demand, with the sound the furnace makes when the gas hits the pilot light; we want to stay close to the gooey interface wherein hormones make neurons talk, and language meets linoleum. [B.M. and J.M.]
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THE EFFORT is the thing
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THE EFFORT is the thing
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