Tuesday, May 12, 2015

CASH PRIZE... come and get it!

Since we have only interested about .01% of the 20k+ members of these 10 FB and Yahoo groups to get off their comfy, delayed-reaction, simple-minded, written venues (cold turkey works best), and try getting fully engaged in a real-time, complex-minded, verbal venue, just like (believe it or not!) the one we have been running for a couple years (where we discuss in glorious detail the secret and hidden intricacies of consciousness and intelligence that most humans on Earth have absolutely NO CLUE about) for one time only (at 1pm GMT, 5/16/15) we will offer a Cash Prize to the first 3 people who actually show up, stay the duration, and contribute some of their "vast experience" to the rest of the group.

Whereas the kinds of ideas we investigate every week should (or could) stimulate those parts of your frontal lobes where they can do some good (fun, excitement, with occasional thrills and perhaps even some spills... or otherwise)...maybe, just maybe, a Cash Prize will get some of your juices flowing... who knows?

Actually, we don't care one iota WHAT stimulus brings people into our little experiment, since - given the parameters set down by the team when we began - seat-fillers with half-a-brain are good-enough, soo-o-o-o, full-o'brains are even better, and, there may even be a few with more-evolved parts than the run-of-the-mill, standard-issue Hominids out there, who have the courage to jump onto a swiftly moving roller coaster, and ride, Ride, RIDE THE WIND, as it is carried to the Top of the "Ms. Tickle Mountain" for a very clear view of the World never seen by most.

Final note: if ANYONE felt even the slightest bit "offended" by anything written above, try to remember what The Work is all about: Growing Up while you are still young enough to enjoy it.

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