Then, there is The Fringe, of which the middle has absolutely NO CLUE, nor do "the fringees" who are embedded in the middle, and if ever informed about it, they still have no interest. That's the good news, particularly for those of "The Fringe", because it sets the stage for further unimpeded - by the Mob and "the fringees" (sheeple, hummers and wannabe "people") - investigations by those of "The Fringe".
Got that? (Don't look where the MOB is looking,
look in the "Here, Now"... does that make it any better?)

The nutjob fringe, and the rest of the MOB in the middle, don't even LIVE in the HERE AND NOW - couldn't locate it with a flashlight and microscope, being the only things they "know about" to use in that investigation. Whereas those of "The Fringe" ONLY live here and now, or put another way, People are only ALIVE "Here", "Now" - not "elsewhere or elsewhen".
Final note: Though it is possible to discover "The Fringe" without having to travel through the world of "the fringees" (though it does occasionally happen), it is quite rare. Most simply remain sound asleep in the MOB, and never get the (higher neuronal/hormonal) "tickle" to pursue something else. Most of those who manage to get started, get thoroughly caught up with the nonsense of interest to "the fringees", and like so much quicksand in one's path, it completely stifles their forward movement, and they spend their remaining days, usually, all bogged down, flailing their arms, and yelling for HELP that never arrives. The world of "the fringees" is an unending quagmire of bullshit passing for "really interesting stuff, you betcha", but it's not and never was.
That world as you know it out there is a monstrous subterfuge consisting of unregulated MOB RULE (the powerful/dominant and the powerless/submissive), and the BUFFER ZONE, herein called "the world of the fringees", which keeps otherwise ordinary people from ever discovering "The Fringe" and more particularly making use of it for their own benefit. Some people do discover it, by accident, or by some "gentle" nudging by others, but usually it so irritates their thinking brain - their common neural map of "the world as I know it" - that it both frightens and angers them: 1) because they begin to think, "Crap, if this is true, I'm a dead man!", and/or 2) they begin to feel offended, insulted, belittled, misunderstood, confused. This is NOT the fault of the one who reveals the "new reality of The Fringe", but of their incomplete, or improper foundation and preparation for this kind of stuff.
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