Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The two BIG MYSTERY words

The chief failing of ordinary humans as it regards their attempts to comprehend the UNKNOWN, is the way they NAME and DEFINE what they don't fully comprehend, long before they have even SENSED one bit of it. And then, making matters so much worse, they TALK TO OTHERS about it using those same words and definitions, which - once you begin to realize what's happening - literally pollutes their minds, who then, quite polluted, set about polluting others, and on and on it goes.
And you wonder why the confusion-of-the-masses is 
so widespread and growing every day?

This is like approaching a wall-sized TV screen of, let's say, 100k by 70k aspect ratio - about 7billion peoples, err, pixels - and noting JUST ONE OF THEM, conclude by that measurement that you fully comprehend the entire on-screen image (on-stage humanity). "How ridiculous!" you would say. One would have to stand way back, WAY BACK - perhaps in space AND time - in order to even begin to GROK what's going on there. Time and Space travel would be required, and well, we just can't DO that.

But, in a way, we can! The Unknown Exists but it is always The Unknown. The more you think you know, and the more you TALK about it with those shoddy, misnamed and misinterpreted, words in use by the commoners (those with whom you are talking and who are talking back), the more out of reach does the Unknown become for you - that is, you don't get smarter, but DUMBER!
And you wonder why the confusion-of-the-masses is 
so widespread and growing every day?

Bless the Unknown, the Unnamed, and stop trying to wrap it in English, or French, or Russian (particularly Russian - jeez, eh?) Rather, sit at the feet of the Unknown, be satisfied with your ABILITY to keep your damn hands off it.

(Big caveat goes here: in the Scientific Method, it often requires naming what is only conjectured, even for a long time, or until the Method can "absolutely" - or for the time being - reject the conjecture, and then it becomes necessary to do it all again, with another, perhaps better or refined conjecture. The first paragraph is about that which is - for the time being - outside the scope of Science... as in the two big mystery words**)

**the words: "God" (is the same as) "Love"
Both of these mystery words should be exorcised 
at your earliest convenience knowing in advance 
NOTHING will be lost, but potentially EVERYTHING gained.

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