Monday, January 28, 2013

The all consuming lie that we are

What is so bad about the simple fact that people lie in all things, and since they are also confused about all things, believe all manner of nonsense and silliness - from gods in their heavens, to devils in their hells, and aliens in their spaceships coming to annihilate them, and everyone? Really, what do you care? And why do you try so hard to "show them the error of their ways and ideas"? Everybody lies all the time because they are not conscious. And others can't fix them, only they can fix themselves.

It doesn't require any special intelligence to stay out of their way - after all, our civilization provides numerous ways to achieve that, from LOGGING OFF, to un-subbing, to changing your email address, to finding some new friends, to leaving the city and locating for yourself The Fringe (you know that place of places so often referred to here) - so, why not just "work on yourself" in quiet, strive always to tell the Truth that you know when the conditions are right, and, as someone once said under different circumstances, "Kill them all, let God sort them out." Now, of course, "kill" has a very different meaning in this piece, being more akin to "forget about them internally", or "just let them be as they are", or "quit trying to fix them"... I.e., "Let God sort them out."

It is perfectly fine to exercise your right of free speech anywhere you want, and useful too. Just don't cause the others to want to KILL YOU, which is the easiest thing in the world, so exercise away! But there is Smart free speech, and Dumb free speech, and if you can't tell the difference, consider investigating THAT little quirk of your automatic decades-long conditioning that has left you that way.

One big clue: when you hang around with "nut cases" (you know, "in the slums"), you become like those "nut cases", and you start liking to hang around with them. OR ELSE, you'd stop hanging around with them! Believe it or not, there are conversations that have a two-fold effect: 1) they convey information of some kind to the other(s), and 2) they CONNECT all those who hear in such a way that they can, sometimes - if they are "prepared" - enter the "mind(set)" of the speaker/writer, and realize they themselves, in fact, are speaking/writing. Speaking connects "like-minded" people into a kind of "One Person", if only briefly, or momentarily, or ad hocly, where what One knows, they All know. It's a spectacular thing when it happens, or perhaps that should almost be written, when it is DONE.

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