Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What IS This?

Secret Escape Hatch 

Not unlike a hole in your head, or
a Viewpoint looking to Land Somewhere.

All Novelty All The Time!

Post-Evolutionary Humanity
expressing language
without words and images.

"Post-Evolutionary Philosophy"
as distinct from ordinary, everyday,
"pre-evolutionary, pop-psychology."

Artifacts of a Psychedelic Community.
Artifacts from the Future.

Elementary Extra-Sensorial Expressionism.

Time-travel beyond the Future,
before the Past,
embedded in Today.

Stories from the Impossible.

Toroidal cyclones unwinding,
Primal flows revealing,
in all its dire passion.

People beholding each other's walking Buddhahood.

Yester-morrow, Incorporated.

"Life" is alive, and all-encompassing, and it expands through Man's nervous system, culminating, not surprisingly, in the cerebral cortex and frontal lobes - that area wherein man thinks, speaks and writes.

The evolution of man is tied directly to that expansion. His consciousness of himself and beyond is relative within a narrow range common to all men alive at this time. To go beyond that limitation is what draws many people to religion, philosophy and esoteric teachings. It is possible to expand one's own nervous system, to See what lies beyond becoming, to Live "in the Future".

There is a 'ceiling': internal, personal, private, 
and it can be known. 

Few know, of course, and the rest are satisfied with 
bitching about the walls, never discovering, for themselves, 
there are NO walls - there is just a ceiling.

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