Saturday, December 4, 2004

Are you remembering your condition... right now?

The scattered 1% of humanity - who naturally believe they are "on the inside track" when it comes to waking up, attaining enlightenment, becoming liberated - also, >>usually<< (though certainly not always) believe that it's a combination of practice/methods and ideas/concepts that will inevitably result in their ultimate success, and the attainment of their aim, however they define it to themselves.

So they read their "bibles" (books, whatever) every morning, sit in meditation (count breaths, chant, whatever) every afternoon, talk for hours with friends and strangers, and after many years or decades, believe they are making considerable "progress" though defining that "progress" in specific terms, still eludes them as it did many years and decades earlier.

The specific causes of their "condition" is described in the books in many different ways - depending upon countless factors, including date they were written down, nationality of the author, etc. - but always amounts to the same thing, once you get the hang of This.


This: being able to determine the difference between the literal and the metaphorical, and not just linguistically (any 15 year old can do that), but consciously - that is, be able to SEE what a metaphor (such, man is asleep) is literally, in realtime, without all the associated bullshit (read, ideas, concepts, parables, similes, symbolism).

This: an instant act of will in the physical moment, as opposed to thinking about acting in your head.

This: is much bigger than two short paragraphs, of course, of course, but expands exponentially as your ignorance (of your true condition) reduces, in the same way the grand canyon expands exponentially as your distance from the edge reduces.

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