Friday, December 3, 2004

Are you asleep... no seriously... right now!?!

The mystics said, and some even wrote it down, that men are not fully conscious, that they are asleep even while walking around, and that something can be done about that, but, only in those who want to wake up - and that it doesn't just happen automatically, by virtue of the fact that you're "all grown up now," nor even that you've got a college-education and read hundreds of books, nor even that when someone asks you, with a straight and non-accusatory face, "Hey, bub, are you asleep right now?" and you react with, "Me? No, of course not, that's ridiculous." and know that it IS ridiculous (right then, you're not... know why?).

99% of the planet couldn't care less what the dead mystics said, of course, but it's interesting - don't you think - that a few people here and there DO care what they said?

What do you think that "interest" is based upon? Have you investigated the idea that you are, in fact, *literally* asleep (not fully conscious as you could be), while at the same time fully believing otherwise... (except, as noted above, when you remember/are reminded you're not fully conscious, right then, for an instant, you are?... and then, like everything else, it passes.)

The idea of being asleep, is exactly the same idea as, man is unenlightened, and that man lives as though in a prison, and "waking up" is exactly the same as attaining "enlightenment," and becoming "liberated."

But, again, what do you think those metaphors are >>specifically<< referring to, when they suggest "you" are "asleep?" Have you investigated the idea that it is not "you" that is asleep, it is the conscious part of the brain that is running totally on automatic, and that 99% of your day - each and every day - all that flows through the mind, are thoughts you neither planned, decided to think, or invited therein? It's all - up there, between your own little ears, in the gray matter - an accidental affair, morning till night, and during dreamsleep too.

Of course, you may be one of the 99% of the planet who couldn't care less about this - either to SEE it as correct information, or "do something about it, damn it!!" - and why should you or anyone? Afterall, even with all that automatism going on, everything is humming along quite efficiently, you can get dressed, make it to work on time, do your job, negotiate traffic coming home, make your dinner, watch a little tv, carry on conversations with other people just like you, and flop into the sack by 10. "So," you say, "what's the problem?"

No problem, bub.

Just reminding you, you were asleep again.


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