Monday, October 18, 2004

Snoring, versus Scanning - you be the judge

Notice, the mystics never said: "Man is asleep but *should* be awake," or "Man is in prison but *should* be free." They said, "Man is asleep but with certain kinds of effort can awaken," and "Man is in prison but with certain kinds of effort can be free." There is certainly a big difference, but to read and listen to most people who write about such things, you'd think they missed it. According to most of those kinds of people (who seem, apparently, interested in waking up, enlightenment, liberation), all men should be awake, and that all men are not now awake, certainly means (according to them and their teachings) there is something wrong, and it should be fixed.

This is an error.

Man is as he is, because Life is as IT is.

You are the way you are, because Life is the way Life is.

There is nothing wrong, and nothing needs to be fixed.

Not in you, and not out there.

If men were "naturally" awake - as conscious as he >>could<< be - as he is, he would probably either kill himself, go completely crazy, or live a much harsher, and much shorter existence. Almost all of technology and science, and all of his culture and civilization is directly the result of his being naturally asleep - that is, NOT as conscious as he >>could<< be. Something is ALWAYS wrong in that state, and technology, science, culture and civilization on the whole, is the full-time effort to FIX what is considered flawed and in error. Good, in general for mankind, "bad" in specific for a person who wants to be awake and stay awake. (Not, "bad" really, just annoying, and then only for a few of the few of the few here and there.)

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