Sunday, October 10, 2004


The conscious part of the brain is your only hope and possibility. Without that, you can't even be called human. Science knows this, and so does, by now, everybody else.

The heart will not help you, the soul will not help, the spirit will not help. The only thing that can help you is the conscious part of the brain.

Except that (there's always an "except") the conscious part of the brain is in collusion with your hormones and blood to keep you fast asleep. That is, the brain, the non-conscious part of the brain primarily, keeps the entire organism alive, pumping blood to all parts of the organism, and keeping it healthy. The conscious part of the brain has nothing to do with it - though, it most definitely has the capacity to invent science, medicine, intricate and totally astounding tools and to teach human bodies to perform post- and pre-mortem surgery upon humans, including themselves (and other creatures) for the purpose of detailed study of the parts of the organism, and while alive, doing what the non-conscious parts can not, or will not do - keep the organism alive and healthy.

This collusion, unseen by everybody though it's effect can certainly be seen - just not comprehended - consists of inventing ("creating") a fictitious character to keep itself company, the neurons being as it were, quite alone in there, and to duck blame whenever anything goes wrong. So, when the body gets sick - even though the immune system is perfectly capable of dealing with most external foreign substances, and has daily practice and exercise to keep it in shape - "I" feel bad, and it's probably even "my" fault for shaking that guy's hand, or petting that dog, or smoking that 14th cigarette, or drinking that 14th beer, or eating that 14th cupcake.

And, there's nothing left to do but wait it out, or pray to some god, because everybody ("me", "I") is impotent.

Get that? The brain (that entire 3 pound organ in your skull) is in total charge of the entire organism, from the tip of the head to the soles of the feet and everything in between, yet when IT screws up, and falls down on the job, IT blames "you", or, put in terms you can better understand, YOU blame yourself.

This is collusion, and you are the one fooled.


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