Sunday, April 18, 2004

The Pill

You ever notice (of course you have!), how all the "World's Religions" are classified into the Eastern Traditions and the Western Traditions? Hey, how about the Northern and Southern ones?

Anyway, have you also realized that, if you were to actually count the bonafide Eastern teachings (those with a name), and compared that to the Western teachings (also with a name), that the Eastern ones would win hands down? This is probably obvious, because the East has been trying to figure out "What's it all about, Mohammed?" a lot longer, several thousand years at least, than the West, which only started doing it seriously about 1500 years ago.

So, you'd think that the East had probably figured it all out, by now, having been working on "the problem" for so many more thousands of years, but have they? Hardly. The East, in general, is much further behind the West, in so many areas - economic especially -owing to the fact, perhaps, that the primary modes of existence there, is to get married, raise a family, then, when nearing the end of one's life, to chuck it all for the "search for enlightenment". Whereas, in the West, the "search" usually occurs first, with the young, and then peters out almost entirely, leading to the traditional forms of marriage, family and finally retirement.

In any case, though there are probably more "eastern-style" Rishis, Roshis and Gurus, than their "western-style" counterparts, you certainly don't see more evidence that there are any more "fully-realized" humans in the East, than in the West. Many more say they are, of course, but how can that ever be tested?

Maybe none of them are. Maybe all of them only think that they are, and so, they don't have to inquire any further into the mysteries of existence. Maybe the Eastern Traditions, in toto, just don't work -period!

Anyway, since this is a place to further such bizarre viewpoints, consider it furthered. In fact, maybe the only possibilities for true human evolution, before the ultimate bad day, known as death, is from the Western Traditions, and not the organized ones, but the un-organized ones, and the very-recent ones.

A few spring to mind - the Fourthway in particular. Perhaps the Fourthway offers 21st century humans the only real possibility at unlocking some the cosmic mysteries, that originally draws everyone who ever lived, into their life-long spiritual pursuit.

Perhaps, real conscious men have existed, do exist, but not in the East, only in the West, and only quite recently. One reason for this may be, that not until the last 50-70 years, has Science actually begun to catch up to Religion, such that those with the spark of interest required to begin and stay-with, a long-term spiritual quest, might reach the success they long for. Such success may actually require not only thorough understanding of the "philosophy of enlightenment", but an equally thorough understanding of the "science of enlightenment".

The "Science of Enlightenment", on the surface, almost sounds like an oxymoron, and the utterer of such non-sense would invariably be labelled a moron or worse, even in polite society. But, since we here, in this forum, couldn't care less about such labels, this idea should be expanded in every way possible, before just dismissing it without examination.

Many western systems and teachings, in fact, do include a "scientific" perspective - some even build and use gadgets to further their claims that Cosmic Consciousness can be achieved by using such toys. They may not be that far from wrong. Afterall, the Fourthway introduced the idea of the "Sly Man", who was one who knew the existence of a pill, and could take that pill to produce energies/results in him that would take anyone else, months, years, or never to produce.

This "Pill" was certainly metaphorical, and probably not to be understood as some kind of pharmaceutical ingestable, but the metaphor is extraordinary, when you start considering it, without the inborn, inbred resistance to such a strange notion.

This would be an appropriate place to stop this argument, to see if it still seems pertinent later on, after one has "come to their senses". Let's see if anything comes of it.

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