It doesn't take genius-level intelligence to look around, out there, and even in here sometimes, and believe "things are seriously AMISS, god damnit!" Even young people believe that! Some seem to be driven to madness, taking out their frustrations about the world-at-large on those near and dear to them... from family members, to school-mates, to teachers, and even to anyone else within automatic rifle-shot or rented truck-collision.
"Killing others" seems to be the fractured thought circulating in many minds world over these days, though most humans do not have the nerve to activate their body to the degree necessary to pull it off, so they just
stew in their own juices.
Almost everyone - even here, on this group of readers if you can believe that - thinks things in the world, including themselves at times, are going "straight to hell, or '
the Bad Place'" and have been for a long, long time. But, seriously, can these beliefs even be believed?
Or more importantly, can they be transcended?
Too many people take the ostrich approach.
You know that one, right?
Turning AWAY from the world-at-large, so as to avoid DEALING with it, and all the complex issues associated with it (like moving to the back-country and living in a one-room shack so as to "meditate" all day long) is never a solution to anything. One could even suggest that A Reason the world-at-large is so screwed up (apparently), is because most people (way more than half, probably 95%) turn AWAY from what is going on out there (and even - you guessed it - in here), rather than activating the mind in order to Transcend their own firmly-held Beliefs.
What could that actually mean, anyway?
How about this: Discovering the forces involved, both out there and especially IN HERE (between the ears, and up and down the entire nervous system) that precede your belief-creating processes. Thinking and believing wrongly about the world and oneself CAUSES the world to seem worse than it is. Fact is, there is nothing at all "amiss" out there in the world or in oneself (surprise, surprise), and things are operating "Juuuust Riiiight" - i.e., in the only way they CAN operate - because... remember... we're talking about HUMANS and the world they populate.
Who in their "right-mind" can suggest, even for a moment,
that the NATURAL WORLD is amiss in any way?
Cats sleeping with DOGS? |
Lions resting with LAMBS? |
Consider for a moment (or more if necessary): How is it that PEOPLE started "screwing up" the world-at-large in all its possible aspects - which was in the beginning, remember... THE Garden? It had to do with satisfying the basic survival needs - food, and shelter - including sexual needs, and property needs, and only became more and more dangerous to other people, as the mind became more and more complex and sophisticated. The more sophisticated the mind became, the more clever, convoluted and even "crazy" did the supposed solutions to those needs become. I.E., Rather than operating at their inherently genius-level intelligence (which is possible in ALL men, from their beginning of what might be called, "working with others")...
...they began operating from the lowest-levels of intelligence,
The New Rule - which is many thousands of years old - is Bash the other guys over the head, or just kill them, then take their food, their women, their tools, their homes, and for entertainment, rape, pillage and plunder what's left if anything.
That always works, right human?
Certainly, it is not so easy to move from ordinary, low-level thinking and belief-making, to high-level intelligence and reason, and humans can not generally achieve this SHIFT on their own, no matter what some who've only read books might try to tell you. Someone must be a LIVING example to those who can learn by example (and not like an ape or dog learns - no way), and that's how civilization grows and matures. Same is true between the ears. Some thought(s) and/or idea(s) must take charge in one, in order to put things right. The obvious clue that more work is necessary - then and today - is observing negativity of any kind arise and take hold of one, because once such negativity arises it generally continues until the energy is expended, and a certain calm ensues, when the person can attempt to investigate the reality of the situation. Wrong thinking and Faulty beliefs are most often the cause of one's negativity, and energy depletion. Reason and Objectivity may result by Transcending Negativity. But, good luck with that, right human? Well, at least until Genghis, or Gurdjieff, or God, or Real I takes control of the hordes of "i's"... but that is for another day, okay?
Lest anyone actually believes "Hey, I'm already in a transcendent state!" answer yourself this: What's up with Trump - or Drumpf, as some like to demean him - being in the White House? Huh? What do you REALLY think about that, and HIM? Don't hold back from yourself ("real I" is watching).
And what about the Las Vegas open concert assault-rifle major-massacre, and the New York bike path rental-truck mini-massacre? What's that all about? And what do you really think about the alleged perpetrators? Don't hold back from yourself ("real I" is watching).
Fact repeated for emphasis: there is nothing at all "amiss" out there, or in oneself. Thinking & Saying that with real conviction, and real understanding, is what may be called Transcendence, or at least reliably "leading to it."