Thursday, January 26, 2017

All News Is Fake News

99% of those who read my stuff consider all of it to be in the same realm as the currently "understood" concept circulating all around the globe: FAKE news. Why? Simple. I only post them to so-called "esoterically-bent" websites, blogs, Yahoo and FB groups: primarily of these types: 4thway, new-age, nondualism, buddhism, and a few others, which are seemingly based upon a very strict adherence to what THEY call "Real News". They usually call it something else, like, their codified "work language", their "scripture", their bibles, their teachings, etc.

My stuff is NONE OF THAT, purposely, which is why they consider it "FAKE News" (falseness, lies, phony, made-up, alternative, conspiratorial, etc.) I already know their "work lingo" and choose NOT to use it, period. My preference is REAL news from the start: Math, Science, more math, and more science, and a lot of nervous system experimentation. That which is based upon verification from the get-go, wherein you don't move "forward" unless and until... Another way of saying this - which has been said for millennia - is...
"Let experience, verified over time, always be your guide."

As is becoming usual these days, the following FACT must apply: ALL news is fake news. The interesting thing about that, is that this was ALWAYS true, as far back as humans have been fascinated by what GOSSIP can do, to themselves and especially to their audiences... it endears them to the speaker, the apparent source. The "better" the gossip, the more tightly connected to the speaker is the audience. It's a transfer of energy, from zero to something that approaches a variable maxi-sum (particularly witnessed in cults and their ilk), meaning, the more the gossip is believed. Of course, "better" is the keyword in all of this, because it covers an extremely wide scale (you figure that part out... I won't steal your thunder.)

This is a dangerous quirk in our human brains - gossip and the way it affects intelligence - that has been known of course, but NOT by the masses, NEVER by the masses (by design). Those who have always understood this, even at a fairly young age - at a deep level where this strange, dynamic, electro-chemical subprocess occurs - have discovered it is where our faulty thinking center exists. This "left brain, right brain, socio-political transfer of energy dynamic" has become, in 99% of humans on earth, their chief limitation.
"Control the dynamic, control the WORLD!"

The nervous system oscillates from being calmed to being excited - active phrases, not passive phrases - signifying the "near-zero state" and the "near-maxi-sum" and since it has always been active in individuals from very soon after birth, humans sense this oscillating dynamic continually. Consider yourself this moment... are you calm, or are you excited, or where exactly are you, and how did you get there, and can you move at will? You are always approaching one or the other or hovering/oscillating/circulating around the movable center line of a kind of "perfect stillness" that is all but non-existent in most people - the 99+%.

People discover some bit of gossip (all so-called news about humans, is gossip, just as the quite recent "Russian involvement in our election process" nonsense was about humans, and humans alone - i.e., GOSSIP) but it absolutely stimulated every human brain within ear and/or eyeshot when it first crossed their (gross chainlink-like) screen of consciousness (rather than the much preferred fine mesh-like). That started a chain-of-events leading to mainstream media - mostly from the purveyors of FAKE NEWS: CNN MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NYTimes, WashPo, HuffPo, Dailykos, etc. - pushing the news on TV, radio, internet, which of course caused a ground-swell of Humanity getting extremely worked-up and excited about it, as it wrapped the globe five times by the following morning! Such is the reliably negative effect of GOSSIP on the dimwitted masses who will believe anything they are told, which necessarily binds them even tighter to their chosen leader-of-the-moment, while even more strongly resisting their chosen imagined opposition. This is a corruption of the zero-sum game.

So, the "problem" is not about "the news", or "All news is fake news", but that "***All minds are weak minds***". Thus, the dynamic will never become resolved in anyone (which, if they could, would enable them to always straddle the center line - like being able to hang ten at the absolute crest of a gigantic, 150-year long, big-wave ride). The resolution of the dynamic will likely never be achieved, and Humanity will live out their short 50-75 year rides on a damn belly-board near the shoreline, in the chaotic soup... IGNORANT and ARGUING about what is "true" and what is "fake", and making everyone's lives worse than they were before.

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