Wednesday, September 14, 2016

"Time Wasters Extraordinaire"

Mankind's full-time job for Life (everyone's Master), is engaging the brain with thought energy, that comes from somewhere, hangs around for some period of time, and then goes to somewhere, at which point there is a "GAP" of unknown duration (since there is no one HOME). That's about it, really... "Wasting Time"

As a result of all this intermittently interrupted "thinking" (which is not that at all, but a kind of "echoing", or "reverberating" at a frequency that can sometimes be heard by the internal teletype operator who reads and rips and hands off to the more conscious parts), there may be some physical activity of some sort, 99% of which is useless expenditure of nervous energy - itching, scratching, changing channels, mumbling, walking into the bathroom, etc., etc. - and 1% of which operates on physical objects of one kind or another in order to DO or PERFORM something really useful - like making a sandwich without dropping the Mayo jar onto the floor, or composing a multi-paragraph "essay" or "article" for publication, or whatEVER. That's about it, with exceptions - sometimes the human in question is actually FULLY CONSCIOUSLY ENGAGED with some activity or task that produces glorious, wonderful results in the Arts, Sciences, Crafts, or something notable like that. But, really, it's very, very rare.
Look at your own day, say the last 12 hours (for me, that's 6am to 6pm), and what do you remember so clearly that it instantly appears in your fore brain when you recall each time segment (say, 6am-7am, etc.) Thinking (well, "echoing", or "reverberating") and some moving around, is generally all you can remember, but you do NOT REMEMBER precisely the words and sentences that were thought, and quite likely you can't even remember the topics very clearly! Oh, you might remember a few of the movements that occurred during that segment (took a piss, ate a banana, fed the cat, took a shower, etc., etc.) but that's about it!
Really, it was just wasting time, from morning till night; then you hit the rack, disappear for a few hours, and get up next day at 6am for a repeat performance.
"So WHAT?" some were heard to mumble under their breath, or loudly at the author! Well, generally, the only response that is worth providing would be, "Check into it. See with careful observation and collecting of evidence, dutifully recorded for a few days running - without FAIL - how your days go." There is LOTS AND LOTS of  "thinking" (echoing, reverberating, mumbling), some speaking, some moving around, all performed for what purpose: to what END? Are you not just an "Extraordinary Time Waster", like everyone else on this planet?

So, who's running your show? Who's running THIS PLANETARY SHOW, including all the "primary", "secondary" and "tertiary" figure-heads who dominate the NEWS SHOWS 24-7, in which you are so mentally invested, unless you live in a cave, deep in the forest, up in a mountain shack, or in an undersea grotto somewhere - i.e., you've DROPPED out, TUNED in to nature, and are TURNED on to the cosmos?

Here's a FACT OF LIFE whether or not you "care to admit it"...
To the question asked here recently in "The Boxcar" (convince your CLOSE FRIEND - who is for the other guy/gal - why s/he should absolutely vote YOUR CHOICE INSTEAD in 25words or less)...
Precisely what was going on in you, (thought, feeling, sensation, 
gut rumblings, heart murmurings, brain-washing, etc.)  
that produced your DECISION to CHOOSE YOUR CHOICE?
Or, did it somehow just happen, and THEN, you found out!?!

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