Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Taking Offense (and other idiocies)

If you have not been living obliviously under a rock, or buried deeply in the dirt, or snoring soundly in a cave, then you have been assaulted with hundreds of "reasons" to Take Personal Offense, and that's just in the last few days or perhaps weeks. Fortunately for those who have been paying ATTENTION to the Race for the American Presidency (from the mainstream talking bubble-heads "reporting on it", TO both major party leaders, followers, AND a huge percentage of this country amounting to many millions of humans) have taken it upon themselves to continuously assail all of us with example, after glaring example, after blaring example, several times per day if not all day long. You might think they would get tired of this low-class mental activity... but nooOOOooo! However, for the ATTENTIVE, it has all been another clue to the workings of Sleeping Human Brains (in the esoteric - non-Awakened - sense).

Please realize, it is NOT A SIGN OF INTELLIGENCE to take personal offense, no matter how coherent the statement reporting one's response to it. Taking Personal Offense is just one of the lesser idiocies that human brains are subject to, since childhood, and long after reaching adulthood, being, as they are, firmly LEASHED, like a dog, to their spinal cord that controls them (though that's a hint you can unravel in your spare time). In fact, it seems that the OLDER these sorry humans get, the WORSE they get, taking more offense to more things than even the younger humans who don't know as much about the world, and don't care much about it anyway. You see, the more the human brain finds out about the world, and the humans who live there, the more they become aware of actions and statements by them, on a regular basis, that Tick Them Off Bigtime. And, if there are no such actions or statements that rise to the "ordinary" level of outrage and offensiveness, then the humans will Make Something Up. You see, as far as the human brain is concerned... it is ALL made-up for the purpose of activating the neural landscape, to generate energy throughout the system, and to dutifully distribute it "elsewhere". That is the Life Plan humans are simply not getting, not understanding, or they would be able to Take Charge of their puny brains once and for all.

It is simply IMPOSSIBLE to Think Clearly when the mind is twisted and tangled up, all mired in the muckiness of personal sensitivities that are NOT REAL! When the leash is tugged, hard and fast with no let-up, the brain responds in a highly predictable way, but the ATTENTIVE will be able to "pre-see" the master about to YANK HARD, and "dial it back" just-in-time to escape the (usually) inevitable pain. YES... Pain, though for all these billions of hapless humans everywhere, it is felt as a kind of pleasure - perverted, but pleasurable nevertheless... like biting your lip hard, and then biting it again and again because the let-up feels "pleasurable".

Taking Personal Offense benefits NO ONE, least of all the ones who get angry, and loudly scream "Stop It!" The ONLY thing that needs to stop, is Taking Personal Offense to everything going on around one, and redirecting desire and intention toward that which can actually CHANGE (the way the brain operates: i.e., the way the spinal cord controls emotions, and emotions control thinking, and thinking controls the mouth, lips, tongue and limbs - though not necessarily in that order).

Humans are machines within which operates Living Processes that control everything. This is the hardest concept for humans without Full Attention to understand, but with Full Conscious Attention directed at that which should, most definitely, be Taken Personally (being born a Time Machine, but forced to live a life confined to a Prison Cell) it is possible...
to Escape the surly bonds of earth
while still YOUNG ENOUGH to enjoy it.

So sayeth the Mystics in their own inimitable, sometimes poetic, metaphorical, and even mythological ways, which is why we "Love 'Em!"

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