Human beings are doomed from the start of life. They are deposited into a foreign womb (trapped for what must seem like an
or an instant, in fetal time), then born onto this planet and immediately placed in another state of total confinement (or crib, or mangy old manger) for the next
2 to 3 earth years. These hapless humans - having been wrapped for the remainder of their entrapment here in a straight-jacket/human-suit - are forever crippled by their five ordinary senses that enable only the
thinnest sliver of perception of their surrounding "realities" (yes, there are many). They are, thus, totally constrained from that point forward.
For DECADES. With no real hope of things improving...
in their "minds".
Because all "minds" are weak minds,
and therein lies the Aim and Direction:
"Strengthen and Escape".
The Land of a Thousand World-views |
These weak minds have a clever capacity for creating
fantasy world-views - represented above as
pages and those world-views are
That is, they repair the "roads", "bridges", "buildings", "objects"
that fill those buildings, and all the surrounding environments. But, as
in DNA, these repairs are
far from being perfect, and
errors do creep into them over time. With regard to genetic activity, it
usually takes years or more to produce any significant alterations, but
with regard to neural activity, seconds, minutes perhaps, are all that
are necessary to cause alterations and modifications. These
fantasy world-views
are merely parts of each human brain, that are never "perfect
constructions". They are slightly fragmented neural nets or webs, of
thoughts and images and sensations, that interact
by themselves, and every human has
several thousand or more of
these partial world-views. They are always in competition with each
other, but the conflicts rarely if ever occur in consciousness, but
usually subconsciously, often in day- and night-dreams and reveries of
imagination. That is, even as you are reading this, your own
fantasy world-views are
being sparked, tweaked, tickled - first this one, then another, then
one over there, then the one just below that other one, etc., etc. - and
you are not even aware of any of it. Every word - noun,
verb, pronoun, etc. - is capable of this, and with practice you can
become somewhat aware of it when it's happening.
IF you are looking in the right place, that is.
what could possibly be going on with our human brains (the source of
mind? the container of mind? the transceiver of global Mind transmissions?)
that they can NOT discern
Fact from Fiction, Real from Fake, Truth from Lie?
Might there not be some evolutionary purpose to a life lived in
virtually absolute confusion and mental/emotional/spiritual chaos?
The "weird" thing about these
fantasy world-views - these fairly coherent structures all competing one with the other behind the scenes (i.e.,
your conscious awareness) - is that there is a "
you" in each and every one (called "
me", and "
by the host humans, with a fairly small handful of favorite "personal
pronouns") and if there was NOT such a "you" in there, the entire
fantasy world would... you know... collapse, dissolve into nothingness! Put another way, the "
you" is the center of each and every one of your
fantasy world-views. And, in another way, if there is no "
you" in a world-view then it also doesn't exist beyond just sensory impressions. Like reading about
Marxism, Fascism, Objectivism, Trumpism, Gurdjieffism, JanCoxism, Globalism, LRonHubbardism, Islamism or Nondualism (just to mention a few of the millions available these days)
... but not yet having become
personally, experientially, physically, but only theoretically or philosophically, or mystically.
and this is a big one... once that has occurred to some necessary,
though variable degree, it too can become one of your many, nearly
fantasy world-views!
We all know "certain humans"
who are identified (perhaps overly, even to their ultimate detriment)
with their religious thought-system, or their political thought-system,
or their pseudo-scientific thought-system, etc. So, who ARE they... really? Just a nullity? A ghostly mouth-piece of another's mind?
One must be vigilant, and always beware
of being sucked into a fantasy world-view.
Okay so far? Or has one or another or your own
fantasy world-views gotten so tweaked that you've already bolted - mentally, even emotionally if not actually physically?
Anyway, get this. Reading (and viewing and listening of couse) activates in everyone a particular
fantasy world-view of that moment, whether or not they stay for the duration or simply drift off into another daydream. The other
fantasy world-views
lay dormant, usually, but are always more than ready, able and willing
to spring instantly into action the moment an impression - be it a word,
a sound, an image, a movement, or any one or more of many other things
caught by our extremely LIMITED sensory apparatus - causes the initial
fantasy world-view to recede into the background, while a new
fantasy world-view springs
into the foreground of consciousness.
However - and this is the weirder part - sometimes this "springing into and out of action" creates a collision, a merging of the pre-existing
fantasy world-view and a NEW "YOU" from the outside. That is, Gurdjieff, or Siddhartha, or L.R. Hubbard gets in there too, or maybe it's
Bubba Smith, or
Silly Sally, because it could be anyone! Thus, some of these thousands of
fantasy world-views are populated by multiple "
entities" who are themselves fighting for control of the
fantasy world-view! This is how CULTS operate on the willing and unwilling masses who get caught up into them (and do know, there are millions of small and larger cults on this prison planet). All that little Johnny, or Joanie believed about, say, "salvation" - their peculiar
fantasy world-view that, at that point in time, had a dominant "
you" (their "
me") in there - is immediately confronted by L.R.H., or Buddha, or G.I.G., who takes over their once fairly well-established
fantasy world-view so now there's
two in there. This
conflict-of-two leads some weaker humans into willingly giving-in to the more powerful dialog going on, thereby losing their
Independence entirely.
This is, just to name one small
example, how you can meet someone for the first time, and really like
them for a while (due to the temporary arising of a
fantasy world-view: "they're blond, slim, sporty, short, white, and cute") and then suddenly you can't stand them anymore (oops,
another arising - "they're bigoted, racist, homophobic"), which can sometimes move quickly into repulsion and
even hatred (oops, there it is... "run away, clobber them, express some extreme negativity"), and just as quickly a few minutes or hours or days later,
due to some other set of impressions, be pulled back into enjoying their
company again (again? "What was I thinking?")
Goofy enough for ya?
Fantasy world-views are fighting in there
for their own survival, at any cost.
Each human of the moment (and right this moment, "
I AM" that one being referenced) can evoke, or activate, separate and distinct
fantasy world-views in each and every other human within sensory proximity, including, but not limited to
reading. It may sound bizarre, but it's easily observable under a large variety of circumstances, INCLUDING reading this piece. (Did YOU notice?) "
I like that..., no wait... I don't like that... no wait, I can agree there... no wait, that sentence is just bullshit!" (Remember, "Based upon
WHAT are you making these sweeping statements? Be precise!") And so it goes for an entire lifetime. This oscillating dynamic of separate and distinct
fantasy world-views
- conflicting beliefs and opinions that formed over long periods of time, and congealed into fairly coherent structures - swing without any conscious control, from a
zero state of inactivity, to a
maxi-sum state of excitation, contributing in large part to ordinary humans becoming, not SMARTER over
time, but in fact DUMBER by multiple IQ points. Look at your OWN nation-state without particular personal bias, and be honest with yourself... if that is possible.
The Key to unlocking any "fantasy world-view"
is the following Question, rightly answered:
"How many OTHER human-like entities
live in that fantasy world-view?"
And then, properly Deal With It.
The key to dissolving any "fantasy world-view"
is to get out of there, now.
The preferred condition of Man, state of Mind,
is having NO fantasy world-views, period.
Only Reality, through and through. One Real I.
Alive, Conscious, and operating at Peak Efficiency.