Since that was fairly unclear, try it this way: Look Around (stop staring so much) and notice what humans everywhere are doing in their continual attempts to achieve their aims and goals, and you will soon discover what WORKS and what DOESN'T, even as they continue to FAIL achieving anything like what they set out to achieve. This is, for the most part, why the 1% have such a "bad reputation" with the 90% - they seem to have achieved it ALL, while the rest have achieved almost nothing (and NO! this is not "the fault" of the government as much as the 90% would like to believe and proclaim loudly). The obvious clue here: If you want to be rich and successful.... Look at what the rich and successful have done... duh!
Okay, another try: Life is running this Human Melodrama - top to bottom, no denying it (genetics trump psychology) - so the LAWS in force driving Great Nature, and thus Life Itself in all its glory, are also driving Human Nature... so, Pay Attention, Look Around, Watch and Learn how LIFE manifests ITS aims and goals for this planet, through the lives of Humanity.
Life is growing and evolving physically, emotionally, intellectually, and individuals can too, but following one's "beliefs" and "theories" - gotten, for the most part, from those same FAILING humans - rarely, if ever, works out well. BUT, following one's gut - so to speak - and one's verified (as much as possible) understanding of how things work, will quite often set one up for Success. The expansion of consciousness - in scope and duration - is a possibility of our species, and a requirement to become a full-fledged, Person of a Higher Order (whatever that is, eh? could it be, One with a Real I?)
What ordinary humans - just trying to get by in life, by hook or by crook - believe most sincerely is that studying books about Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Spirituality, Religion, Business, Science, and everything else in between will in SOME WAY ("I hope, I hope, I really do HOPE!") assist them on their Quest for Consciousness and Individuality (whatever that is, eh?). However, and unfortunately for them, studying books of all kinds are NOT going to help in this Question - which it always is, until it starts becoming Answered.
Perhaps the best thing that can help one, is the careful (thoughtful and considered) growth and expansion of their "god given" capacities at birth - i.e., their entire physical body, including all their senses, their genetic predispositions, their basic intelligence and sensitivity, their inherent talents and skills, their curiosity and inquisitiveness, and especially their powers of observation and being present IN THE MOMENT, which of course means Expanding the Scope and Duration of that Presence, because it is ONLY in the NOW that one can SEE and KNOW anything. After the fact, or Before the fact, it is all just speculation, prognostication, prediction, theorization, imagination, fantasy, and other such useless (for the most part) formulations.
Being in the Moment while Observing
Yeah...that's the ticket!
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