Monday, March 2, 2015

Been there, Done that! (NOT!)

My first wandering into these Yahoo and FB groups - consisting, ostensibly, of nearly fifteen thousand "seekers of truth" (a small minority, who believe they've started, and usually, a long time ago) and "lookie lous" (the greatest majority, who haven't really even started) - was Six Months Ago. After three months of less than desired results, and a three month hiatus from all such groups, it is clear that the effort must begin again.

Unless the reader of this particular piece is already doing what I am now offering each one the opportunity to investigate more closely than ever before, then it can be stated - categorically - that they have NOT EXPERIENCED what we experience each and every week that it continues, over two years now.

You see (or not... as usual in most cases), unless one is running their own "Conscious School" - a concept only a small, small few have even a clue about, which means, investigating certain ideas that ordinary humanity is absolutely INCAPABLE of investigating for several reasons which will begin to become very clear once one actually does BEGIN this "Search for Truth" - then they have missed, are missing, and most likely will continue to miss an aspect of Human Life open only to those who have achieved REAL Success, unlike the masses who only rarely achieve "some success," which is tantamount to reading a FLYER on a wall, cocking their head this way and that, shuffling their feet here and there, uttering a sub- or even actually vocal "Hmmm..", or more typically "Harrumph!" and then moving along never even coming across the idea(s) in the FLYER ever again. 

Close, perhaps, but no cigarrillo. 
Solly Challie.

Hanging around bookstores with no one in-charge, open and even closed group-meetings (on or off the Internet) with someone apparently in-charge, and even private kaffeeklatsches with the old-timers, and Mr. Big Guy in-charge - in the hopes of picking up some useful/necessary information, advice, directions, methods, rules, procedures, and other comforting nonsense - is the first hurdle a person must rise ABOVE (move beyond, as soon as possible) so as to actually GET STARTED in the right way on the "Search for Truth."  The second Test - which it is, especially nowadays - is to get off Yahoo and FB. Cold Turkey is best, but severely limiting ones time and energy there can work too, but not for too long, or else one WILL pick it up again sometimes with more involvement than before. It's like stopping smoking - it's an addiction: just like Yahoo and Facebook have become for so many of these "seekers". (Clue: one is then backsliding in a serious way, and it may be becoming "too late" for most people to ever begin in the right way.

Other people can't help you, and even if they could you couldn't understand them rightly because you still believe.... "Other people can help me." Look around honestly. Right now, at the place you saw/read this new Flyer presented just today, and jot down the names of those people you would seek out and ask to become their student in the belief that if they would accept you, THEN you would really begin to Move, Big time! In the right way. Go ahead, fear not, blush not.

The ones we are always looking for, are those who upon reading the paragraph above, instantly Get It, and even if they "Looked around honestly," they would generate ZERO entries, and then ask themselves:
"Right! So WHY the hell am I still reading this 
delayed-reaction pseudo-spiritual Internet group, 

Final note for the "potentials:" We are creating a conscious school... week after week after week... unlike any that has ever gone before, and your active, continued presence/attendance in one is required, because only then, can you discover what a conscious school really is. By the way, again, "it is a concept only a small, small few have even a clue about."

We can HEAR YOU. 
Let us know you can HEAR US!
(message or email - you know the drill)

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