The reason the masses are asleep to who and what they are, who and what others are, what is life, being, Humanity, and damn near everything else, is NOT because they are faulty machines. If someone managed to escape their earlier 9-month enforced confinement, that preceded this many-decades-long, and just as enforced confinement (though this time in a maximum security environment, surrounded at all times by guards who do not have the confinee's "best interest" in mind) then they are capable of full-on, straight-up consciousness of the highest order, spoken about at length by many people who achieved it. One thing is certain, there are conscious beings on this planet and they are known to each other, though you and the masses do NOT know them, can NOT locate them, and most likely do not even believe there are any such beings. What is worse, in a sense, is that the masses do not even believe - in the right way, that is - that they could become such a being, while still upright and able to enjoy it.
What is needed is a New Way - not the old, tired, and don't-work-anymore ways, but a New Way. And - as some may have already guessed - it is now to be delivered, in part, in this replacement for that silly end-of-year "plan for the next year" that only reveals, to those just a little more Awake than the average bears still playing that game, that they are not now, and probably CAN NOT BE Serious about This Thing, sometimes referred to as, "The Game of Enlightenment."
This Resolution for a New You is already known by everyone, but they don't realize it yet. Many things must come to pass in order to discover who and what one is, who and what others are, what is life, being, Humanity, and Consciousness - which, when all of that has come to pass, one has access to all times and all spaces in the eternal now of existence.
Fancy words, perhaps, and revealing almost nothing at all to people who have not even begun to use everything they have at their disposal to consider such matters - i.e., the five lower senses, the three lower circuits, plus the higher emotional sense, and the higher intellectual sense. When a person can think and feel rightly about being alive, they already know who and what they are, who and what others are, and all the rest, and a new circuit is thus created.
And, as has been mentioned here MANY times during the last quarter - and missed by ninety-five percent or more - it all starts with what has become for modern man (i.e., since about 2500 years ago, and increasing year by year up till today), the most common and natural thing people do... TALK TO EACH OTHER. Get it? That specific event in the life of living, breathing humans with a language and means to communicate it to other similarly outfitted prisoners in the decades-long confinement in that maximum security prison is the starting point of this New Way. They tap on the walls, on the doors, they write notes, they send texts, messages and emails, and they talk endlessly to the other confinees, all for the exact same reason - without even a glimmer WHAT that reason is. Put another way - specifically the way it has been put here during the last quarter - when you get two or more conscious (or at least, more conscious) beings in a room together at the SAME TIME, in the same "head space" (which means they don't have to be in any kind of physical proximity, but it helps), who can quickly do ONE particular thing, and then do ANOTHER, something on a higher level immediately becomes possible, and quite accessible to all... though for the masses - the confinees without a clue, the ninety-five percent or more - it might as well be IMPOSSIBLE. The next steps are not taken, even though the way is clear simply by their having shown up, i.e., "arrived, on time."
The Resolution for a New You, has to do with just that: Arriving on time, then, Leaving something behind, and then Acquiring something new. Who Arrives? What is Left? What's New? Aaah, that be the question you can struggle with next year if you must, so as to bring the always-easily-accessible back door into direct proximity with the almost-never-accessible escape hatch - creating a temporary, but highly energetic atomic/cosmic "blackhole/wormhole" - and VoilĂ , the next steps CAN be taken, ARE taken, and taken, and taken again.
It's a thing of beauty,
but you shouldn't have to be reminded of this
AGAIN! Right?
but you shouldn't have to be reminded of this
AGAIN! Right?
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