Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Blogging is fun; Hanging is funner.

Does anyone really believe they are accessing their own higher centers, or others, when interacting on the "facebook thing" (a catchall for all the delayed-reaction email/message social media groups on the Internet)? Most likely, nobody even cares about such a thing given the rather low-energy level of people nowadays, especially those who have become part of the "facebook thing". On the other hand, those who prefer to increase and expand access to their own higher centers - or senses, or circuits, or powers - have already found better outlets for their intellectual and emotional creativity, and probably see the "facebook thing" as something they do NOT do anymore.
It goes like this: 
"Been there, done that!"

You see, one thing This is all about is enabling greater and more frequent access to higher centers, because it is NOT one's lack of finding the "right book," or the "right Youtube," or the "right picture-with-words-on-top" that is holding one back in This. It is one's own inability to access their own higher centers.
It goes like this: 
"Without that, you've got nothing. 
With that, you've got everything."

When one is functioning from their ordinary lower centers - particularly the mechanical, automatic, routine, standard-issue aspects of thinking and feeling - they can NOT understand "higher ideas" even if they come packaged in beautiful wrapping paper. That is, even with all of that, one can't understand enough about the idea(s) to benefit one. Generally, though they may "sound right," they do not produce consciousness in the hearer/reader. However, when one is functioning from their higher centers - Thinking and Feeling - they not only can understand "higher ideas," they can start producing them... at will... which means, they have learned where Creation, Discovery and Invention live. These three terms are thrown around in conversation all the time, but almost no one has a clue how to get from Here (total inability) to There (mastery).

There is no way, really, to verify any of this except to observe what ordinary thinking and feeling does to your capacity to understand - what you think and say, and how you think and say it - and then to make certain kinds of efforts that result in increasing that capacity to understand - i.e., activating higher centers. This is like sticking your entire body in the fire, so that the nonsense and silliness are burned away, leaving an intensely heated core of consciousness capable of escaping the gravity of ordinary human functioning.

This is Freedom, and if it was easy, 
everyone would be doing it, 
but sadly, almost nobody is.

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