Usually, you have to EXPERIENCE this for yourself, before you can DO IT naturally, most or all the time, because it is not natural. Just look around at others, and at yourself internally. First reactions (thoughts, feelings, sensations) are quite the NORM (read: ordinary, and we've all heard it all before.) What that means is this: humans are made to process impressions ONLY UP TO A POINT, and no further, because it is not required for NORMAL (read: ordinary) life.
But, do know this: all humans are certainly made to be ABLE to experience this - to process all impressions beyond the ordinary level - and to DO IT naturally. Then, the whole world opens up. One can see, feel, experience the Whole World AS Oneself, and isn't that really the most Natural Experience for a Natural Man?
So, what is stopping people from discovering this
sooner than later, or worse, never?
Consider: that which is offered-up-initially, is a WALL, but there are many "points/holes" through which one can SEE THROUGH that wall, which means "getting small", a concept that may require yet another "message" to begin to fully appreciate, but - as suggested - don't accept/believe it as being "Real/Correct", until you can come up with it on your own.
Don't give up, make another effort, and then another.
Think before speaking/feeling the first thought/emotion that arises.
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