Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Walking and Falling

People who already know something, or just a little bit about the concept of (take your pick) [Awakening, becoming Conscious, achieving Enlightenment], as either Walking or Falling. That is, most people are Falling, in the sense that their forward motion has already ceased, and they are now in a slow-motion tumble into that big hole in front of them. A few are not only not Falling, they are not even Walking, they are Jogging if not Running, because, just like the Red Queen told Alice "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place". Or put another way, stop running and you're just one step from FALLING behind or worse below.

It is extremely EASY to determine the walkers from the fallers, in that the walkers continually surprise you, while the fallers have already, long ago in some cases, ceased surprising anyone. That is, they have become worse than predictable, which in the world of MIND is early onset terminal stupidity with morbid rigidity.

That is, rigid thinking, same-old thinking, predictable thinking, is that which can not let go of the past, in any sense, but must continue to repeat old ideas, from old sources, and the oldest source everyone has almost compulsively immediate access to is their own genetically-configured neural memory ("my story"). "My Story" has absolutely NO CLUE whatsoever regarding the New, the Original, the Creative, and in that sense they are FALLING.

It absolutely requires constant vigilance to keep one step ahead of the falling which is always pulling one back, like gravity, so... you see...

It takes all the running you can do
just to stay in the same place
and even moreso, FASTER - like Usain Bolt! - to get anywhere 
Wunnerful, Wunnerful.

Anyone having considerable experience on Yahoo Groups (and now Facebook and Twitter) knows quite well, when the Original (and hopefully Creative) AIM is misplaced - when people "take their I off the Goal", even for a day or two, or weekend or two - everything will start descending into commonality, sameness, chit-chat, links to you-tubes, and then the mindless anecdotes (one after another for no particular reason anyway), take complete control of the place.

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