Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The old problem of "us" and "them"

Of course there is no such problem, but the thought made up in the minds of men, identified with, and acted upon out there; which is the same thing acted out by the bodies of animals (without their realizing the "problem thought")

The only difference between the Fringe and the Mob, is that

---the MOB sees the world as a damaged place, a pain factory, a problem that needs to be fixed, REAL SOON if not sooner, and "I am the one who can, if not actually DO THAT, endlessly talk about how it should be done!"

---the Fringe sees the world as a perfect, harmonious balance of forces, and the only "PROBLEMS" are those between the ears of the humans who populate the world, and furthermore, there is nothing I can do to fix YOU, and nothing you can do to fix ME, so we should just "make a pact", a "mutual guarantee" that we will talk about ONLY OURSELVES, and keep our neural hands off everyone else.

This is a total SHIFT of perspective, and it doesn't come easily, instantly, or even permanently - that is, we backslide over and over again, but with one HUGE distinction, the FRINGE always TRIES to widen perspectives with each backslide, called "expanding consciousness", rather than - like the MOB - "revert to the mean", which suggests falling back into old patterns of blaming the OTHER GUY rather than seeing our own part in the event(s) - called "going back to sleep".

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