Wednesday, August 18, 2004

You can touch your own thoughts.

It is generally understood, worldwide, that the only things you can *touch* are those things on or outside the skin of your body (assuming you have no gaping wounds somewhere, and if you do, you should go find a doctor, and stop reading this right now!)

But, not only CAN you touch your own thoughts, if you don't, they will be pushed around and rearranged by others, and "nobody knows the trouble I've seen", when others pushed my thoughts around, without my knowledge or acceptance.

Someone once pushed a belief in the boogeyman on me, to make me go to sleep on time, and eat all my veggies, and about 2 days later, they pushed the idea of God on me, to make me behave, both of which I believed for years (perhaps the one, facilitated the other?) until I grew out of them, phew!. (Too bad sooooooo many people have yet to grow out of the second one, eh?)

But, the idea of touching your own thoughts, requires expanding your very idea of the word "touch" because, as we all know, "you can't touch that." (MC Hammer)

To expand one's own views of one thing, literally requires expanding one's own views about all and everything. Then, "you" expands, "can" expands, as does and must, "touch", "your", "own", "thoughts".

But, it's *one* thing to "say" that, and quite another indeedie-do, to be able to elucidate that expansion for yourself - that is, tell yourself what happened.

Of course, how could a person possibly discuss intentionally expanding their own view of concepts, but to do it? Just believing your own conceptual world is already, "quite expansive", is simply not enough and fooling oneself.

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