Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Thinking about "thinking"

It is a very rare person indeed who seriously thinks about their own thinking. Most (the 99%) take it all for granted. Their brains itch a bit, their throat tickles, and the next thing you know words are pouring out their mouths and/or fingertips, and they don't wonder about what happened. Not even a little bit. They do, however, completely identify themselves with those thoughts. That is, they say, "Those are my thoughts; I am responsible for those thoughts; I thought them, and that's what I think right now."

But that is not "thinking about their own thinking". That is taking them completely for granted, as if their thinking is good, and proper and has a point. But the sad fact is, they are 99% wrong. Their "thinking" is NOT real Thinking in the sense that it can be known in some few individuals (perhaps 1%). It is more like the sounds of scratching on the walls while you are trying to sleep... like there is something trying to get OUT, or worse, get IN, and because they can't comprehend that possibility, and can't perceive the "entity" responsible for the noise in their heads, they believe the "entity" and themselves are ONE and the SAME. But the sad fact is, they are 99% wrong.

To put this in a slightly different frame: rather than continuing to TELL other people WHAT to think, and HOW to feel, about this or that topic, person, place or thing (in your peculiarly non-subtle passive-aggressive way - which it certainly is, and everyone can see it, even if they don't mention it) better to, first, discover for oneself how to NOT THINK and NOT FEEL in any particular way to any and all topics, and second - if you must, if you have to - perfect that discovery into Actions that can subtly Awaken those around you who might still be willing and able.

Unfortunately, those who are not willing, and not able, will not understand, and not comprehend anything anyway, whereas (fortunately) those who ARE willing and able become almost instantly known to you, and therein lies the Real Possibility that is Thinking, or put the right way in this context, Speaking.

Speaking is the highest aspiration of man on earth - though very few know that - and NONE of the other creatures that have ever been known to exist here, could Do That. Speaking, is absolutely, a thing which must be DONE . If it only happens - usually by the accidental arrangement of forces and circumstances that motivates the brain into action - then it is all but worthless, just little mouth noises amounting to no more than well-articulated (sometimes, hopefully) grunts, groans, whines and whistles, with the occasional sniff, snort, and cough for emphasis... conveying nothing meaningful in any case.

The next great discovery (after NOT thinking and feeling - automatically, mechanically - about any thing, evolves into Action) is how to elevate all action, into True Performance, or put the right way in this context, Acting - always and everywhere.

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