Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Big RED and BLUE Beast

It should not come as any surprise that ALL the news organizations on this here little blue planet - on the "left", "right", "middle" and elsewhere - exist for three main purposes: 1) Sell advertising 2) Sell advertising 3) Sell advertising; and ALL of them, the people - whether mainstream or off-mainstream, or off-off-off-mainstream - are just creamin' their shorts right now, and every single time a Major News Event takes place, and for the last TWO weeks it's been the...
Republican and Democratic
Nat'l Conventions
This includes ALL the reporters, and support people on the sidelines who help to create and disseminate the reports, as well as ALL those on the side of the sidelines criticizing and commenting upon those reports, ad nauseum and ad infinitum long into the next DAYS. They are not interested in distributing or sharing "Breaking News" to "educate the audience" (they only SAY they are), but to attract more eyeballs and earholes to their particular outlet, so that they (balls and holes) watch the next several commercials being queued up right now, plus the next few stories on deck which are always teased just prior to breaking away... thus increasing their audience numbers, and thus their advertising revenues. And one more thing, of course: to keep the internal chatter revved up in all the participants as close as possible to the red line.

The side issue, that is never talked about, and scarcely even realized by 99% of those engaged in that line of work, or any other for that matter - and this is the main focus of this piece and all others in this here little blog - is that during these events, The Great Ones, and the not-so-great ones even, the amount of TALK increases to a level absolutely unseen at other times, and in most other lines of work. There is just more to TALK about, more details to spin, twist and turn, comment, re-share, re-tweet, like, love,  dislike, hate, and yada yada yada, in the heads of more people, and everyone wants to share in that activity, because, frankly, it makes their little gray BRAINS tingle, almost orgasmically. The ENERGY of these great events moves around the planet, from head to head to head, across the airwaves, and in just a few short minutes, damn near everyone on the planet who CAN be aware, IS NOW aware of what has happened, and they all have become suitably GLUED to their "news sources of choice", like any addict to his pusher. And more importantly, they discover thoughts, beliefs, theories, speculations, comments, criticisms and all sorts of other noises bouncing around in their brains about the EVENT in question. JUST LIKE THEY ARE MADE TO DO.

The human species, when thought of as a gigantic BRAIN surrounded by several billions of appendages - your entire body is one, his is one, hers is one, mine is one - is pulsating, undulating, and shining brilliantly on this planet (which, by the way, can only be fully appreciated off-world with elevated senses) like some monstrous, semi-intelligent organism of trillions and trillions of interconnected neural structures (just as YOUR brain in your head is, though on a comparatively nano-scale), sucking and fucking, eating and shitting, and talking a BIG BLUE STREAK about tens of millions of things, every second of every day (what a cacophony!) And you might think, this is for the primary purpose of "smartening up" the Being being discussed, and perhaps that is true, but perhaps not. That is, in all those who continually "take a side" - having a dog in the fight as it were - it is NOT so true, but in all those who can STAND ASIDE, and watch... observe... LOOK... LISTEN... always trying to comprehend and understand what is going on... IN LIFE ITSELF... and in the minds of the people who continually take sides...It Does.... and does that includes YOU?
Oh yeah... who are YOU going to side with this November 8, 2016?

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