Monday, July 2, 2012

Intelligence versus Stupidity - is that even a QUESTION?

How does "consciousness", or even "being Conscious" relate to such terms as, Intelligence, or even being Extra-ordinarily Intelligent, or to Stupidity or even being Extremely Stupid? This may seem like a pointless question, since the truthful answer, on all accounts, is "I don't know." but since THAT is highly unlikely even within the minds of just ordinary people, what comes NEXT, I say, reveals the relationship in a particularly interesting way. You see, this is all about a particular MOMENT-in-time, when an unseen "mike" is held to your head (near the mouth, usually) and an unheard "question" is presented... and then THE MOMENT we are investigating is "ENTERED".

I asked a small group of people this same question recently after a particularly "trying time", only worded differently so as to confuse their already confused minds ("What have YOU learned, as to your PERSONAL efforts working with consciousness, during the last 3 days, 3 months, etc.") - but it was the SAME QUESTION of course - and I would BET $100 not one of them will even attempt a serious inquiry into it, unless prodded by one or more of the Fringe Revolutionaries still resident there, and even then probably not.

The reason for this inability to pursue a difficult question when posed by another, has to do with two things. One, the questioner's use of language always makes dealing the real topic quite difficult depending upon their "feelings" about the questioner, and Two, the one hearing the question ALWAYS nearly obliterates the actual "sense and significance" of the question in favor of an often nearly meaningless "personal translation" of what they heard or read.

What then happens is this: if an "answer" is even attempted by them, they ALWAYS TAKE THE WRONG side of the presented situation. That is, they try to "answer", in this present case, "what I have learned."

To which I must immediately reply: "YOU MISSED IT! Try again!" They may keep trying, but will also keeping MISSING IT! You see, you must GET THIS instantly, and then discuss CONSCIOUSNESS not as a TOPIC, but as an Eternal Moment in which you now are Conscious. Pulling words INTO THAT EVENT (across the "event horizon") is something no one can do, really, unless and until they WITNESS an example from someone can can do that. DOING is what what I am talking about here.

Consciousness is ACTION!
Not thinking about action.

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