Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Confusion of tongues

Even if you and everyone you know speaks English - however well or poorly - you don't understand them, you only think you do. The confusion STARTS at the level of ordinary conversation, just like that which is going on here, or elsewhere.

We hear their words, believe we understand what they said and meant, but we don't, because the other doesn't either. Mouths open (hands write) and words come out (get writ), but NOBODY embeds the "KEY" which cracks the CODE that these "mysterious mouth-noises (pen scratches)" actually are, except the most superficially perceived film at the surface - called grammar and syntax. Deep down, into the MEANINGS, into the Driving Forces that PUSHED OUT those sounds and scratchings, we perceive NOTHING!

Not here, not anywhere; but is ANYONE aware of this to the degree they understand what is actually going on here, at a deeper level than just ARGUING: "What the hell are you talking about? I understand EVERYTHING I say to others, and MOST of what they say to me!"

You see, at that instant, the conversation is OVER! Their capacity to "think more than they have to, think more than they CAN" is truly non-existent. There is a specific reason for this.

THIS THING that I am doing here is providing the KEY to deciphering my messages, which are, of course, IN CODE! Fact is, EVERYONE's messages are in code, but few - ok, NONE - contain the KEY to deciphering them. And furthermore, NONE can detail further what I am even suggesting here. There is a specific reason for this.

Consider just this bit: "Love others as yourself", or "Do unto others as you would have them do to you", or the famous "Jesus SAVES" - and I could go on forever with these so-called pithy lines suggesting this or that remedy for the human condition - are WORTHLESS. They might as well be dropped from the language, as they don't include the KEY to deciphering them. So what happens then? Thousand page books are written to explain each phrase, but even THEN, the essential something is MISSING... and the authors don't realize it, nor their still-confused followers. Fast forward to 2012 (6-8 or 10,000 years into this latest experiment) and the human condition is WORSE than its ever been!

More later, but as someone once suggested... "Think on these things."

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