Threaten schools, using email, even, and
cities will shutdown immediately! Pathetic!
Now, what has begun in a big way, is finger-pointing, starting with the first news conference in the morning announcing the shutdown, and quickly followed by another city - New York, who received the nearly identical email! - saying Los Angeles all but "wimped out", saying that they realized quickly this was nothing but a childish HOAX, and they didn't agree with LA's decision. Good Grief, now we have shown ourselves to be totally subject to the New Meme: "Out of an abundance of caution (read: "fear, and lack of good intel on the matter at hand")." This may be the beginning of a coordinated The Boy who cried Wolf Scenario.
Imagine if you dare, 50 coordinated hackers, commandeer their robot computers - yes, they all have 'em, all around the globe - and distribute emails routed through foreign servers, around this country and others, directed to the Powers-that-be in those 50 cities, carefully worded THREATS of their coordinated attacks, that actually sound serious in many if not all respects, and using children as the intended victims. Voila!
The countries, and their media outlets - as well as most of the others on the globe - are instantly hijacked for a whole day or longer, while millions of people suffer the consequences that never even happened. And then, after the inevitable "All Clear, People!" is issued, the hackers DO IT AGAIN! Talk about bringing down a country without even firing a shot! And then... wait for it... The next email attack is REAL, but nobody knows where or when, and all of them are driven MAD!
This kind of sounds like a bad-dream scenario, though not quite a nightmare scenario, which plays itself out on that part of the brain that lies in wait, 24-7-365, for SOMETHING, ANYTHING qualifying, to those neural patches, as a THREAT. (You know who you are, neural patches, and if you don't, isn't it about time you start finding OUT?) That is the delicious, scrumptious time Life on Earth is always waiting for, lying in wait (just like those neural patches do) when millions and millions of people all around the planet are vibrating, resonating, harmonizing IN SYNC, their brains linked by the same news reports circulating the globe, and thousands of other nearby neural patches spring into ACTION... (you know, just like this post here, and the many millions of others today, and in the near future.)
"WTF you say?"
You know what is being suggested here, don't you? Well, if you have been, even minimally, paying attention, you should know. But I won't ruin the fun if you don't get it, even though I have been discussing it for years now.
These are the times of our Lives, get used to 'em.
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