Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Ultimate Conscious School

Most of those still here - and there are not that many - have heard of the idea of "conscious schools", though VERY FEW - on the planet, as well as right here - have ever actually experienced one directly (outside of books). Some of those VERY FEW would probably jump at the chance to tell others the "who's and where's and how's" and all the other et ceteras about them, but they would be making a serious error in reasoning, as it would be like blurting out an "answer", after patting yourself on your own back for having it, only to realize afterwards that, not only were you wrong, you were DEAD wrong! And, worse for you, not only are there no "do overs", there is no one around to advise you about that, so you will very likely continue - FOR YEARS - believing the wrong thing, which in the "conscious school business" usually prohibits one from discovering the RIGHT thing.

All so-called "conscious schools" are not that at all, but merely pseudo-schools, or just appearances of something having absolutely nothing to do with Real Schools. There may be a leader and some followers, but that's usually where the "conscious" ends, and the "silliness" begins. But that is not so easy to recognize by most people until they have been burned IN THE RIGHT WAY without giving up the search. (Being burned IN THE WRONG WAY usually leads to giving up too soon and never starting again.)

What some may have discovered - usually on their own, because people don't ordinarily understand this (although some do give "lip service" to it, without actually UNDERSTANDING the "who's and where's and how's") - is that there ARE no Real Schools left on this planet, and not for a very long time, because they are no longer needed for the results that were apparently intended when there were such... because...

The Ultimate Conscious School  
- from long, long ago, till now, and far, far into the future - 
is... Is... IS...

What is possible today, and has been for a long time (if you can see this for yourself directly) is RECEIVING "conscious knowledge/information" directly from the Source, via everything that actually exists in Nature, on this Planet. Yes, the trees can teach one, so can the flowers, so can the rivers and lakes and streams, and so can the little and bigger animals, but they only "know so much"; they don't KNOW Everything humans are capable of knowing. Only HUMANS are genetically wired-up to transmit and receive Higher Knowledge from LIFE, even when they don't know, or understand, the "who's and where's and how's" of it all.

Perhaps a re-read, or do-over is in order here, because the "answer" (code for "secret") is IN THE QUESTION (as-yet-unasked by you... "hunh!") And that, is the issue here. There is a way to RECEIVE Life's Teaching, but only when one has achieved the "special ability" to ASK correctly, and then HEAR directly, and there is so much involved in just that "special ability", that most people can't even Grok this paragraph and the one above, without several re-reads, and a few more do-overs.

Here is a hint for those few who don't actually need it: the content of thought is irrelevant, only the PROCESS is of supreme importance. Also, "sans personality", and "sans thought" must become your watchwords, so they don't interfere (as they otherwise ALWAYS DO) with your Pure and Unadultered receptions and transmissions, that will occur sometime down the line...

If you're LUCKY, and can Surf the LUCK PLANE!

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