Friday, March 8, 2013

Language, the best and most potent drug

What if it could be personally verified, that language only needs to be employed to Awaken, become Enlightened, Liberate the mind, reach Nirvana? What if certain combinations of words could be thought, even uttered, that carried what has for centuries been termed, the Secret, and when the Secret was Heard, Awakening would result. Hearing The Secret is the best and most potent drug (scarcely) known to man, but all the others (who don't know about it) who only suspect it, still BELIEVE hearing "The Secret" - some imaginary something they can't grasp in any case - is the best and most potent precursor to Awaken.

If this could be verified by someone, he would no longer practice any method that involved other than thinking, thought, using thought, in a way that, perforce, would be extremely personal, and non-communicable, in the same way that you could not actually give to another person, the neuropeptide and serotonin soup that occurs in your own brain when you were thinking in this way - i.e., the drug, or "pill".

Yes, there is a "pill" referred to by such stories as, The Sly Man, but it has a meaning few - if any - actually comprehend. Supposedly, the sly man knows about a "pill" which contains all the substances that are needed for spiritual manifestations. On the first three ways, a great deal of work is employed to create these substances, but the sly man knows how to make the pill, which he swallows, introducing the needed substances directly into his organism without unnecessary struggles.

It is this last sentence above, where the confusion arises in most everyone who even knows about it, and very few even do know about it. No such pill is "swallowed". It is manufactured internally, by a means that could be called, just-in-time production, in a process of off-the-shelf manufacturing. Nothing new can, nor is necessary to be introduced into the system; everything is already there for the production of this "pill", but the Conscious Will to Hear The Secret.

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