Thursday, November 18, 2004

Your being attracts your life

Simple sentence, easily understood. You hear it and to one degree or another think you understand it.

Within that triad, exists all possibilities - from the creation and destruction of universes, to the creation and destruction of thoughts in your head, to the creation of destruction of "I's to think them."

Let's play a game of deconstruction, and see if we can connect the process to feeling, to some kind of otherwordly (not sic)sensation.


People believe that teachers and students, gurus and followers, saviors and disciples, arise in one specific way - an individual, by his presence, by his "being" attracts those who can value and evaluate that experience to a degree necessary to willfully gather around that individual. Jesus gathered his flock by appearing to those who could evaluate him. Gurdjieff gathered his students, by appearing to those who could evaluate him. The leader is the active force in this duality. The follower is the passive force. The neutralizing third force, is the Word, the teaching, and in that triality, the teacher provides the follower with the Words to evaluate him (his actions), and them (his words). >>His<< being has attracted His life, and He remains the primary mouthpiece within that new duality. It is a top-down creation, or as some have termed it, the ray of creation. It begins by someone playing the role of speaker seeking listeners.

But there is another way - in fact the only way, unknown by most -that groups are grown in the culture within which they arise. (You can here insert the image of a pure culture in a petri dish.) A small group of friends, already to a point in their studies - of Life and themselves - **look for and find** a suitable mouthpiece, someone who can and will take on the role, of Teacher, Guru, Savior. The key phrase herein being, "look for and find". That is, someone in the already established group of friends agrees to take on the role and task of Teacher, becoming the Primary Mouthpiece. The rest agree never to talk about this direct way, never to talk about This direct way, never to talk about This Direct Way.

The leader is the passive force in this duality. The followers are the neutralizing force. The New Teaching is the Active force, and in that triality, the chosen teacher provides his friends, with the Words to evaluate consciousness in realtime. >>Their<< beings have attracted their lives. It begins by several playing the role of listeners seeking a solitary speaker. He becomes the primary mouthpiece (the only one who can/does talk about The Direct Way). It is a bottom-up creation, or as some have termed it, the ray of evolution.


Now, back to the initial statement: "your being attracts your life" -a statement which you already completely and totally comprehend, as it is pre-wired into the DNA of everybody, from the molecules out, from "the bottom up".

See if you can get a handle on this hook: all indirect ways, from christianity to buddhism, from fourth way to theosophy, from psychology to spirituality, are Top Down. In that, for you, they literally begin with the Word, as spoken by a Someone. Therefore, you have never and almost CAN never observe and participate in a Direct Way, as it is bottom up.

Why would anybody want to be your teacher? (You can here re-image that pure culture in a petri dish... you didn't forget it did you?)

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